8th Ed. New Daemons info

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Qupakoco, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Ripped from the threads of Warseer, here are some snapshots from the book.

    --snip!-- Link removed

    Looks like army-wide Hatred,random magic items, interesting random event magic phase, and a chariot/cannon thing are the biggest additions. Oh, and giant flying bugs from Nurgle! GW has the new models up on their website already.

    I didn't see it in the pictures, but according to rumors the BSB Insiring Presence only effects Daemons of the same god. Also, if a unit breaks from combat and rolls double 6's it is now destroyed, kind of like fleeing unit that didn't roll high enough and was caught by pursuers. Not sure if you can overrun though.

    EDIT: Corrected a few mistakes
    EDIT 2: Some folks on Warseer got in trouble for posting that link. Best to keep our boards clean.
  2. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    I've got the book and spell cards on pre order, so I'll post more info when they arrive. And for the most part.. I like the models. GW even has seperate battalion box sets for each of the 4 god types. I wonder how those flying insects hold together/assemble.. decently?

    - Lord Cedric
  3. Hebus

    Hebus Member

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    Got some intel!
    Bloodletters are 14pts, CC5 F4(+1 on charge) E3 A1 I4 MR1 6+armor with killing blow (given by the hellblade), a 25pts magic standard,
    To get hatred, you need a herald with exalted locust (220 pts with equipment, loses killing blow if a magical weapon is taken)
    This should slow down the double horde armies!

    New gifts are random (with a primary gift like spells). There are nice weapons that can be taken with these.

    The canon is as described before
    The throne gives locust to every close unit (6inches), is a chariot that get back wound on impact hits on 4+.

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