First model for my new army only the skin has been done. See here fot the army background: Pics: Can anybody get the feel that the skink is cursed with the color scheme? I think i'll make the eyes dull maybe even so that it looks blind seeing through the magic of the Slann. The Devlan Mud Wash was still wet so the wet part is dried now Let me know what you guys think Cheers, Jeroen.
Hmmmm... you might painting some other nurgley colors on him before you do the delvin wash, this generaly reusult in a better looking miniture than just a wash over white.
Well actually it's more of a green basecoat with a drybrush of lighter green and nurgling green and then a devland mud wash. Myabe I should mix the colors so that one part is more greener and the other more a bone color? Cheers, Jeroen.
Interesting, though, Lots of depth in the colour with the vaguely green patches. He certainly looks nasty and undead, kind of decomposing swampy. Some white or cream eyes could look cool, milky and dead maybe. Were you going to use a different colour for the scales and crest?
By the way I was looking at that giant open wound thing and thinking. If you want something looking a little smaller but still gaping woundy you might try getting a pin (dressmakers) and holding it in pliers then heating the flat end in a candle and pressing it lightly to the plastic. It would create a much smaller crater than the one on the example skink.
Thanks for the replies guy. Will do some testmodels soon. @possumcraft all the models used are models that I got from a friend who got them in a deal and never used them. The gaping wound is just some greenstuff that the seller had on it :S so you will see some weird models used as testmodels. But interesting idea with the pin for the wounds I'll look into that. Cheers, Jeroen