Ok, time to try this again (I encountered a PEBCAK and lost my previous post attempt)... First off, despite the title, I'm not a Texan. I just happen to live in Texas at present. In all reality, I long for the cooler climate of the North West (Idaho specifically), but I can't find employment there that can match what I have here. But that's neither here nor there.... I've been playing Warhammer Fantasy Battles for nearly a year. Primarily I've been playing High Elves as I plit a couple of Island of Blood sets with a friend. However, my friends are growing tired of always striking last and I'm growing tired of being so incredibly squishy. I tried Orcs and Goblins a bit and they are a hoot, but a new guy joined our group and is collecting OnG, so I went a slightly different route with Dark Elves because I ended up with an army off ebay. Well, my wife too issue with the garb (or lack thereof) of the Witch Elves so back to ebay they went. I've always like reptiles (had various snakes and lizards as a kid) and Lizardmen really appealed to me, but a different friend already had a lizardmen army, so that was a non-starter. Once I sold me DE on ebay, my friend mentioned that he was going to further downsize his army collection (he has nearly half of the armies in the game) and next up would be the Lizards. I told him to consider them sold! He has never used them in our group (too busy with Skaven and Ogres), so I get to introduce the army in our group, as it were. On paper the Lizardmen appear to fit all of my requirements. They don't generally attack first, they are not squishy like elves (well, skinks are, but Saurus most definitely are not) and they have Slann (I'll give up ASF for my friends, but not magic). Need I go on? The child herptologist in me is extremely happy this week! For $200 USD I brought home the following: 1x Slann (metal) 1x Skink Priest (metal) 1x Scar-Vet BSB (metal) 2x Carnasaur and riders (both metal) 2x Stegadon (1 metal, 1 palstic, both with bolt thrower) 10x Temple Guard (plastic) 64x Saurus (plastic, 3 sets of command) ~42 Skink Skirmishers (plastic, mix of blowpipes and javelins) 6x Chameleon Skinks (metal) 3x Kroxigors (metal) The army book and the plastic stegadon bits were also included, but my friend wasn't able find them right off (hence his desire to downsize from seven armies). If all goes as planned, I'll be testing a 1500 point (or smaller) army list against Dark Elves on Thursday. Edit: I almost forgot, due to lurking previous to my army purchase, I've got 3 Salamanders and another Slann coming in the mail. As much as I want to accomodate my friends by not using HE all the time, they need to realize they are trading Teclis for something equally nasty: double Slann!
Welcome! To be fair, the East coast of Texas is almost as humid as a jungle. Ever been to Houston? Bleh. Looks like you've got a pretty good start. You'll probably need more TG at some point, but you can field a pretty typical army right now. Looking forward to your contributions!
Temple Guard are definitely on the list of things to get now that I've got some salamanders coming. I generally plan 1500 point games, so the 10 I've got should work well enough in the mean time. I'm in San Antonio, so it's not quite that humid. However, I'm used to a much drier climate, so it might as well be a jungle as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah, you definitely have a little less humidity. If you didn't know already, every year there is a big Fantasy tournament in San Antonio held by the Alamo Gamers guys. Last year it was in November.
I went to the last one, but didn't play. I plan to play this year, but I need to go to a few local tournaments first. There always seems to be other things that come up on those days though.
If you are in Texas, you should also consider Wargamescon in Austin (June) and Bayou Battles in Houston (August).
I'll definitely keep those in mind. I wasn't aware of any other tournaments in Texas (though I haven't really looked either). Thanks!
Got my army book last night. Turns out my friend found another unit of ~18 mostly painted saurus lurking in teh back of his cupboard along with the stegadon bits. Now I can make one of my stegadons into an ancient stegadon. The second slann and three salamanders arrived a few days ago as well. I did not get a game in this week, but I have three planned this week. 1000 pts vs Orcs & Goblins, 2500 pts at the local GW store against whomever happens to be there and another 1000 pt or less vs Orcs & Goblins again. Should be a fun week.
I've started a PLOG for my Lizardmen army. It can be found in the painting and modelling section. http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10564