well a little background to make a little more sense to the title. I have painted a few lizzies about 4 or 5 years back ( cant remember exactly). I'm only now returning to it and starting off with my fat frog! The story line for the army will be a demon horde attacked a temple city ( havent decided on which yet) and the defenders took a beating, losing their slann and most of their old bloods and scar vets. the remaining forces, led by the 2 remaining old blood and scar vets ( I have 2 saurus char models from then) went on patrols in the jungle, determined to ensure that the enemy never get the chance to come in such big numbers again. They then stumbled onto another Lizzie group, led by a slann, who were on their way to combat an enemy army that were massing to attack another temple city ( again, havent decided). The oldblood and scar vet deferred to the slann and they joined the new army. They vanquished the foe ( same as the rest..) and the old blood and scar vet decided to stick with the slann. (accounting for the 2 distinct painting styles and basing techniques) so! here is the main thing. my slann. pardon the small mistakes in the painting. I only saw them from the photos and have corrected them. also, I have literally just finished the model so the glue on the base is still wet so please pardon that too haha. sorry for the rambling! CC welcome! (please ignore the messy background )
Hmmm.... It seems like all the colors have one layer of color and a black wash. this is a good start, a highlight layer if some lighter shades of your colors should help bring out some deatials, and a light drybrush of an even lighter shade, solowed by a was of a darker shade of that color, and it would look great. Ps. you forgot the slans neclace chain. Pps. you are probaly going to want to thin out your metalics a bit more in the future, it looks like they went on prety thick.
yeah everything went on quite thick actually. I painted over the model quite a few times :/ gonna note this next time haha
You can make light orange by mixing orange and yellow. Ps. here's a great resorce for learning to paint minitures. http://www.how-to-paint-miniatures.com/
I like the color scheme of your Slann. It is very similar to my own. You probably won't want to hear this, but you might want to consider stripping the paint (if it's a metal model) off of your Slann and starting over so you get the model details back. It really improves the overall effect.
thanks! Yeah I thought about it actually. but the problem is that i think its a finecast one. it came in a direct order box and its white in colour. I'm afraid that strippin it will melt the thing :/
A rule of thumb: If you don't mind dropping the Slann on to your toe, it is Finecast. Anyway, I think you colour scheme is definitely working, especially the details in the variations (the triangle shaped blue are on the forehead and the black markings on the back)! Your base is also nice, but there is some glue showing. Hide that and clean up the edges of the base plate and it's thing of beauty. Good luck with your painting!
ah then its definitely finecast! thanks haha. as for the glue, its cos I literally had just stuck it on when I took that photo. its dried and gone now.
If you are in the uk if you buy undiluted Detol it will strip the models with out damaging them at all i stripped a finecast coteaz and he came out fine