alright guys i need some help, i how we all this a 5+ save to start off with, because of our skin, and we are cold blooded so thats 3 dice for leadership right? thats for all the units right? What really gets me is the saves. when someone is shooting as me do i get the 5+ save, what do i get in CC?? i was trying to read it in the rule book, like this 5+ to start with shield 4+ do we get armor? would that bring it down to 3+? what im wondering how do saurus cav get 2+ save in cc. But does this really matter when i get attacked with high strength weapons? I am so new to this it hurts in 40k there is not of these things. I want to my lizards to live and fight on. The reason my asking all this i played orges for my first time every a little bit ago and was having a hard time doing anything.
Ok you have a 5+ save to start witht he saurus because of their skin. Then your shield makes that save a 4+ against long ranged. When fighting with hand weapons and shields in cc they get a 3+ save. SCoR get a 2+ save in cc because they have their mounts which increase there armor save of 4+ (shield and skin) to 2+ High strength attacks are a problem...
For every point of strength above 3, subtract 1 from your armor save. So a strength 5 hit will turn your 3+ armor save into a 5+.
Saurus Start with a 5+ save from Scaly skin.If they are equipt with shields then they get a additional +1, bringing them to 4+, if fighting in Close combat they get a addisional +1 when fighting a enemy unit to the front if equipt with shields. (it's a benefit of shield + Hand weapon combo.) Total save with Hand weapon and shield: 3+ vs str 3 hits. 4+ vs str 4 hits 5+ vs str 5 hits 6+ vs str 6 hits no save vs str 7 or higher. Saurus Cavalry have a Special rule called thick skinned, instead of the normal +1 a model gets for being mounted they get +2 instead. What this means is that if they use Shields their save is thus: 5+ scaly skin, that's improved to 4+ with shield getting +2 from scaly skin = 2+ armor save.
Just remember, armour saves stack and ward saves DON'T. So if something gives a 6+ armour save, same as 40k it gives you a 6+ armour. This is 1 better than no armour, so if it is being stacked with something else, it gives a 1 better save. For example heavy armour gives you 5+, stack it with a shield that gives 6+ and you end up with 4+ overall.
You can however take a Armor save, and then if you fail, and possess a ward save - try and take that one too. If the model has regenration you can take that too. So lets say your model has 3+ armor, regen, and 5+ ward. You can Roll a 3+ armor save, if you fail, 4+ regen save and if you fail again try for the 5+ ward. In 40K you can take only 1 save (usually the lowest) in fantasy you can take as many saves as you have (1 of each type)
remember that wards can be improved but it must clearly state +<number> and not <number>+ Regeneration can be removed by double str attacks(instant death in 40k) and flaming attacks. Certain things ignore scaly skin saves so if you face against some thing like that your scaly skin is removed, like this. 5+ basic scaly skin 4+ with shield 3+ in combat 5+ in combat with S3 ignores scaly skin things
Wards DON'T stack and there is no rule I know of that says regen is removed by a double str attack. flaming attacks though is correctly futile to regenerate from. And you take any regen saves after failed armor and ward saves... Check out BRB(The rulebook) at pp.29-30 for armor wardsaves and pp.96 for regen and scaly skin
I reckon we pwnd the Armor save system with our explanations - maby we should sticky this in the rules forum - I mean it doesn't get much clearer than this ?
I actually thought double str removed regen. hmm the lack of rule books strikes again! but some things increases your ward, it actually does. sorry for off-topic.
This isn't going to be a sticky, most people already know the rules for armour anyway and the rulebook probably explains it better than this thread. If not better, then the same except in an indexed fashion rather than spread through 8 posts or so. It won't leave the forum though.
yeah, use the search bar to find previous posts (It actually took some time before I realised myself..)