8th Ed. 3000 pts against High Elves

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Sealterbloind, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    Wanted to try out double Slann list for fun. Hope my army can stand against High Elves. Please give me some feedback about the list!

    CORE 1149pts

    60 x Saurus Warrior 750pts
    - full command
    - spears

    19 x Skink Skirmisher 133pts

    19 x Skink Skirmisher 133pts

    19 x Skink Skirmisher 133pts

    SPECIAL 1101pts

    26 x Temple Guard 501pts
    - full command
    - War Banner
    - Ironcurse Icon
    - Shrieking Blade

    10 x Terradon Riders 300pts

    10 x Terradon Riders 300pts

    LORD 750pts

    Life Slann Mage Priest (general) 365pts
    - The Focused Rumination
    - Focus of Mystery
    - BSB
    - Channelling Staff

    Death Slann Mage Priest 385pts
    - Higher State of Consciousness
    - The Becalming Cogitation
    - Cupped Hands of the Old Ones
    - Plaque of Tepok

    The main point is just try my best to do as much harm as I can, of course. Life Slann will go into the TG unit and will buff it and other units. Death Slann shall keep close and throw some nasty spells to enemy units. Terradons will hunt some creatures or war machines and Skirmishers are mostly protecting flanks and the lone Death Slann.
  2. maximus

    maximus New Member

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    Get rid of higher state on slann number 2 and take mystery again (I believe you can have it on both). Having all spells in a lore is pro imo
  3. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    I see a distinct lack of Salamanders in your list. HE are T3 across the board (unless mounted on a Great Eagle) with a 5+ (or less) armor save (only Lords, Heroes and Dragon Princes can have better than that). S3 flame template with -3 is too good to not take a few. They probably won't panic from the wounds sustained (unless they roll LD like I do when I play HE), but the template will still be effective.

    The key to beating HE is to deny them their magic phase and control movement. If they take Book of Hoeth, the Archmage carrying it is naked and a prime target for anything you can throw at it. Beware of Banner of the World Dragon (BSB banner) as it will negate the effects of any spells you cast at the model/unit bearing it. Also, Dwellers Below is awesome against HE. It is, quite probably, their biggest magic damage fear.

    In regard to movement, I would take a greater number of smaller units of skink skirmishers. Adding in a unit or two of Chameleon Skinks would be good too in case the Elves field Bolt Throwers. Bolt Throwers aren't the best warmachines in the game, but they could make that big block of Saurus feel some pain.

    S5 A2 Sword Masters will make your day rough, as will S6 White Lions. However, T3, AS 5+ is your best friend against them.

    You might want to consider a Scar-Vet for your Saurus block. Also, at 3000 pts agains Lizardmen, I would definitely include a Star Dragon, so have a plan to deal with one nasty Elf Prince on a Dragon. Quite likely the prince will have S6 GW and 2+ rerollable/4++ saves (kill the dragon first). A Skrox unit might be worth considering as well.

    Ok, enough rambling from me for now. :)
  4. newscales

    newscales New Member

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    I'd reduce the block size of the saurus as well. elves are fast moving and 60 saurus have a big flank, even in horde.

    add some salamanders, reduce skirmisher unit size.
  5. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    Thanks for the feedback guys! I made some adjustments, tell me what you think~

    CORE 988pts

    60 x Saurus Warrior 750pts
    - full command
    - spears

    12 x Skink Skirmisher 84pts

    12 x Skink Skirmisher 84pts

    10 x Skink Skirmisher 70pts

    SPECIAL 1101pts

    26 x Temple Guard 501pts
    - full command
    - War Banner
    - Ironcurse Icon
    - Shrieking Blade

    10 x Terradon Riders 300pts

    10 x Terradon Riders 300pts

    RARE 160pts

    Salamander Hunting Pack 80pts
    - extra handler

    Salamander Hunting Pack 80pts
    - extra handler

    LORD 750pts

    Life Slann Mage Priest (general) 365pts
    - The Focused Rumination
    - Focus of Mystery
    - BSB
    - Channelling Staff

    Death Slann Mage Priest 385pts
    - Higher State of Consciousness
    - The Becalming Cogitation
    - Cupped Hands of the Old Ones
    - Plaque of Tepok
  6. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    If you salamander packs only have a single salamander each, you may want to consider adding an additional salamander to each pack. Their breath weapon will shred elves. Other than Characters Silver Helms and Dragon Princes, you won't see any elves with an armor save better than 5+, so the sallies are great against them.
  7. newscales

    newscales New Member

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    No scar vet? No camo skinks? and 20 terradons? and 60 saurus block. That seems a bit off the norm, but if it works it works. I'll be looking to the battle report ;)

    The only thing I would for sure change has been said already. at least 2 salamanders in each pack. helpful in the first blast is short/misfire and they still get the job done. and its 6 more attacks in close combat.
  8. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    I would suggest more TG and fewer saurus since TG can shred elves (but can really get hurt by SM or WL). This could easily be done by dropping the saurus to just over 50+ and going hw/shield vice spears. Also For the TG, I would recommend dropping the warbanner for the sun standard. HE will have a lot of shooting (a minimum of 750 points worth @3K since all the core is likely to be filled with archers/seaguard). This means a potential of roughly 60 shots/turn or 3-4 unsaved wounds/round at long range & 4-5/round at short range. The SSoC will reduce the average damage by 50% to ~2 wounds/round and saving half a dozen TG on the approach march is far better than +1 to combat. If any RBTs are fielded,the SSoC will have an even bigger payoff.
  9. skillfull_dan
    Chameleon Skink

    skillfull_dan New Member

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    You need to play this list and post a battle report. This list blows my mind

    I need to see 20 terradons drop rocks and then flank charge something. Dont forget that terradons get stomp attacks, they could actually tear up some spearmen and archers in the flank.
  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have never seen a list like this, it's so unorthodox I would propose no changes just to see what it can do.

    I'd be willing to start a battle report petition for this I am so curious. I'd love to see what the Lustrian Luftwaffe can do.
  11. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Ditto. I want to see what 20 Terradons can do.
  12. maximus

    maximus New Member

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    60 x daurus is a bit over kill imo, split to 2 x 30, if he is clever he will run death amgic or shadow and 6 dice POS or the purple sun and he could potentially wipe out the entire unit.

    Also, if you are running death magic I would take bane head so you can double the wounds on a sniped character.

    Also, I would drop 10 of the terradons and take more salamanders, they can toast white wolves easily and I guarantee he will run a fair few.

    this is just my opinion.

    Please let us know how you get on, looks like it could be a fun battle (if he does not take teclis).
  13. skillfull_dan
    Chameleon Skink

    skillfull_dan New Member

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    No one can deny that salamanders are good, but I still want to see 20 terradons in action. If I had any more bitcoins right now I would pay bitcoins to have a battle report of this game.

    I do agree that a block of 60 is more risky than 2x30
  14. JWK47

    JWK47 New Member

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    Do I think this is the best 3000 point list you could take against High Elves? Nope

    Do I want you to use it with every part of my body and tell us how it went? Yes!

    20 Terradons could erase a unit in one go and delete War Machines/ Chariots effortlessly. I'm also impressed you own that many. I would consider dropping Death for Shadow or Light to either hex the crap out of the HE or buff your Saurus Blocks to I10 and avoid those re-rolls.

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