Why lizardmen

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Andy140491, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Andy140491

    Andy140491 New Member

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    Hey guys.

    It's been a while since I last logged onto this forum, and a while since I've played any warhammer at all!

    I've always been a massive fan of lizardmen, the models, the theme.. Everything about them. I'm also a huge fan of magic orientated army's, so with the skinks, combined with the slaan mage priest really appeals to me

    But from what I know, there are quite a few drawbacks too.

    Incredibly low initiative. - vulnerability to death magic.

    No ranged weapons..

    Im the type of guy that divulges alot of money into an army, then sells it for next to nothing so I'm trying to get an insight into an army before I blow everything on it.

    The other army I'm looking at is Tomb Kings. Same reason I like em. Models, themes, but there seems to be alot of negativity shrouding this army.

    Any help with a decision will be greatly appreciated!
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  3. thundercake

    thundercake New Member

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    I was in the same boat but went with Lizardmen because I like the fluff and monster models better . The bone giant looks great but the sphinx thing and all the snake things I dislike. I also felt that the tomb kings depended too much on characters.

    Lizards do have blow pipes, salamanders, and those steggies w/ ranged weapons. I bet they get a ranged war machine or something in their new army.
  4. caledoneus
    Jungle Swarm

    caledoneus New Member

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    I'll be honest, I picked up my Lizardmen army b/c a guy i knew was getting out of the game, and had a huge army for sale for a mere 100 bucks. THat being said, fluff wise they are a very cool army, and they have a lot of advantages which make them very effective as well. However, like every other army, they do have their weaknesses (though some have more than others... poor brets and WE)
  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    He may be biased, but Spawning of Bob believes that lizardmen are far cooler


    and as soon as we get our thunder lizards we will be cooler still.

    Otherwise, a direct comparison between Tomb Kings and Lizardmen armies follows:

    Chariots vs Stegadon: Stegadon cooler, more mobile and versatile (a chariot warmachine with thunderstomp ? I'll take 3 please), and no terrain problems. / Chariots are lower maintenance.


    Warsphynx vs Stegadon: The sphynx has a bit more punch in stalled combat. I spent half a game getting trying to make sure I didn't get charged, eventually suicidally charging in with my infantry, only to discover that the stupid thing has no impact hits, and I could've killed it in 2 rounds with skirmishers! Live and learn. The Necrosphynx is creepy though....


    Immune to psychology and unbreakable etc vs Cold Blood: Stand and shoot is nice, but it is sometimes good to flee.


    Cold Blood keeps LM in contention for an extra round or 2 of combat. Anyone who takes on a big LM block had better be planning for them to stick around for a while.

    TK archers vs skinks: Arrows of Asaph (ignores to hit modifiers) vs mobility, versatility, and poisoned ability to take out high toughness targets. Skinks will run rings (literally) around that archer block and take out all the pests behind their lines, then come back for seconds of Warsphynx

    Initiative Vs Initiative. No worse for LM than usual, except sepulchral stalkers make me cry.

    (cartoon pending. eventually)

    Killing Blow vs Poisonous shooting. I reckon I can get more poisonous shots off and against my targets of choice that you'll manage with your tomb slugs. Be nice to let the killing blow be wasted on a Skrox frontline but I haven't tried that out.

    Magic vs Magic. Slann more versatile, can smother TK magic phase, then spam with extra dice during the LM phase. TK magic feels more like nuisance stuff than deadly. Mostly buffs, or targets whole units rather than a specific threat to heroes, and some is leadership based, so cold blooded helps. Their regen attribute can annoy, but it tends to prolong combat rather than sway the outcome.

    Hero on Hero. The only TK heroes I've faced have spent half the game hiding, and the rest running away. My favourite LM vs TK sequence was a lone Scar vet cowboy (of around 160 pts) who charged and eventually wiped out 3 chariots, contributed to the removal of a group of necropolis knights, and then only failed to destroy the casket of souls war machine thingy because one of the attendents got off a killing blow.

    Back story and motivation: TK and LM might go off and battle other races for superficially similar reasons (recovery of artifacts, we were here first, etc), but at least the LM have a higher purpose. There may be no consensus on what the purpose actually is but thats not the point. The TK are just a bunch of grumpy old men, sitting on the porch and muttering about the good old days. Never known a lizard to do that. Unless it is in reference to the 6th edition army book.


    Humour. There is only one thing funny about TK and that is crumble. And I've already done a cartoon about that.


    I believe crumble is not funny if it is happening to you.

    Overall, I believe that TK have a few cool models, but LM are cool across the board (I happen to like the retarded cold ones)


    I think the TK have some interesting ideas unifying the whole army. But we've got dinosaurs.

    I hope, Andy140491, that I have deterred you from making a foolish choice. However, Spawning of Bob is, unfortunately, the worst and least experienced of the LM generals (he hopes that others will expand or correct his ramblings)

    Considering Bob's legendary fallibility, it might be best to let the numbers speak for themselves:

    The other 140490 people called Andy who are registered Lizardmen players (and who have forced you into such an inauspicious User Name) can't all be wrong!
  6. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Yup, I would call that a solid argument. And I challenge to come up with better cartoon backing for the Tomb Kings.
  7. newscales

    newscales New Member

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    I think any argument where you can provide handdrawn Bob drawings stands a 99% chance of being won, with a 1% margin of error.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    My main desire to collect Tomb Kings was to make a tiny model of Brendan Frazier in 1920s explorers garb fleeing from the DAMN MUMMIES!

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