8th Ed. New to Lizzies - 2400 starting list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by lbisson, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. lbisson
    Cold One

    lbisson New Member

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    Hi everyone,
    I just recently started playing WHFB and think the Lizardmen are just plain awesome. There are a regular group of players at my local GW and they have been playing quite a while, so needless to say I have some growing pains. I just want to make sure that I'm not giving the game away with my list choice before I even start.

    Armies I will be facing:
    Dark Elves, Dwarves, Empire, Chaos (2 Nurgle lists), and Vamps

    Here is my latest shot:

    Slann (Metal or Heavens) 340
    - Higher State
    - Rumination
    - Plaque of Tepok

    Oldblood on Cold One (1+, 4+) 254
    - Armour of Destiny
    - Luckstone
    - Venom of the FFF
    - Halberd
    - Shield

    Tetto'eko (Level 2 master of Heavens with IF on doubles, loved that last game I played)

    Skink Priest (115)
    - Cube
    - Seed of Rebirth

    Scar Vet on Cold One BSB (185)
    - Burning Blade
    - Charmed Shield
    - Dawnstone

    24 Saurus Warrioes - Full Command

    20 Skinks - Full Command (Tetto will be in here)

    24 Skink, 3 Krox - Full Command

    2 x 10 Skirmishers

    2 x 6 Chamos

    2 Salamanders

    1 Salamander with extra handler

    Any feedback is welcome. I have Terradons available, should I take them vs one unit of Chamo? I also have 2 Stegs, Carno, and another Slann if any of those would be better. Had some luck with EoTG vs. Vamps but Ancient Steg got wiped out vs. Dwarves pretty easily.
  2. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Overall, I would call that a well-rounded list. Two different kinds of combat blocks, Skirmishers and Chamos, and some Salamanders.
    I'm curious to see how the Skink bunker for Tetto'eko goes. Skinks being as fragile as they are, it's always seemed to me like a bunker made of them isn't much use. I could be wrong, though...they work in Skrox, after all. If I were your enemy, I'd try to concentrate some missile fire on that unit to panic them, or just one half-way decent combat unit.

    Metal/Heavens is a curious choice for the lone Slann. I can see uses for Metal against many of the armies you're facing (armor and war machines on the Dwarves, same for Empire, ethereal units in the VC), and I was pretty pleased with Heavens in the last game I played. I wouldn't go for either of those without Loremaster, though.
  3. newscales

    newscales New Member

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    Heavens would have better synergy withTetteko. Also, witih the S6 missile spells heavens has, that negates 3 ranks of armor save anyhow. against heavy armor foes like dwarves, brets, WoC...metal is great. heavens is well rounded across the board and I think you'd see better use of it. Life or Light is my recommended lore beyond either of those though.
  4. lbisson
    Cold One

    lbisson New Member

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    Thanks for the input guys.

    The Skink Bunker worked out all right for Tetto against the Dwarves last game, plenty of LoS against missiles and artillery. I also enjoyed having 3 Heavens casters vs. the Dwarves with Tetto. 2-3 IF Comets per Magic Phase was fun. I'll see how Metal works out next game and let you know how it works.

    My biggest problem is getting used to using the Skinks effectively. I haven't been able to get flank charges with Saurus or Skrox yet, just head on assault.

    I wasn't too worried about Lore Master for the Slann though. i have the plaque of Tepok so will get 5 of the spells. Maybe I'll change my mind if I don't get something that I need.

    Thanks again!
  5. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    To me, learning to use Skinks is one of the great joys of playing Lizardmen. Every time my opponents think they've got Skinks figured out, I discover some infuriating new trick and ruin their plans.

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