So just wondering if anyone has good ideas on conversions ino you can use cold ones from dark elf but there quiet had to get single.. Any ideas throw them out there haha
You should search the forums, there area few good ideas. You could also buy from non-GW companies. The game system Helldorado has a really nice model that would work. It is called a Squamata Spitter. Here is a picture: And a link to the item(in the states at least) is here: The problem with this model is that you would not have handlers. Easy to fix by converting some regular skinks.
I see I see hmmm a lot of ideas ahahahaha and yer if seen afew the cost of the metal figures from GW is a joke I recon.. And I hate metal figures lol
My first post! I am using flesh hounds of Khorne for my salamanders, mounting them on the appropriate base. I've used the small circular dags from the Saurus warriors kit that are supposed to go at the bottom of the standards to cover the Khorne imagery. Depending on how you paint them, they don't need too much more conversion.
Somewhere I read someone using Fire Drake DnD model instead of the GW sally:
That Firedrake is a beautiful model. If you wanted to add a sail, I made one from a sheet styrene plastic, cut to shape with a scissor. The texturing was fairly easy: just spread out a layer of greenstuff and cut the ribs into it. This project almost ready for painting: I could easily see adding a sail like this to either the Chaos hounds or the Firedrake, however I recently bought some bags of toy dinosaurs from Walmart for under $3, which contained both a pair of dimetrodon and spinosaur and mounting them on the correct sized base with some nice basing materials, and of course painting them to match the rest of my sallies, will make for a pretty good looking circus of bound beasties...and a nice surprise for my opponent some day
ahh nice conversions hey, wondering where would u buy the D&D models? and how much? also the chaos hounds looks great already was thinking of em but almost 90bucks is err haha. but thanks so far guys!
Hmmmm..... (does a bit of searching) Rages drakes retails between $35-$20. But you might get them as low as $8 on eBay if you shop around.
i used kroot hounds from 40k with tails made from GS. it is a very simple conversion, and i like the results. you can check my plog in my signature for pics.
Kroot hounds Nice idea haha and awk not to bad for 10or so. Wen i finally get back home In afew weeks ill try to make à new blog and keep everyone upto date
APhilmon did some awesome conversions from Dark Elf cold ones in his painting log