8th Ed. 10000 pts of mayham

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by THE_LAIR, Apr 15, 2013.


    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Hi guy's i promised this battle report a looooooooong time ago!

    im sorry it took me so long..

    this is basicly a battle report of a 4v4 machup where well one team gets smached bad..
    So ive collored it up with my atempt at epic story telling..

    please do enjoy my 4 hours of work :p

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Battle report 17/05/2012
    2 teams, each team has 4 players. Each player has 1250 pts. Under the normal rules for making an army. That’s 2 teams of 5000. pts
    Magic is different, because of the epicness of this battle the winds of magic are drawn to the battlefield from over the whole warhammer world. Instead of using 2 dice to determine the amount of powerdice and dispel dice. Four dice will be used and the highest 2 will be counted for the dispel amount of the opposition.
    Deployment is done one army at a time. The lowest rolling team has to deploy the first army and gets a plus one to the dice roll to determine who gets the first turn.

    team1 : HE / Empire / VC / Dwarves
    team 2 : WE / TK / Dwarves / Lizardmen

    Team 2 has the highest roll. Meaning they get to deploy the last army.
    Team 1: starts with deploying the HE army. It was a fairly even spreading with 24 archers on the middle left, his bolt thrower and Lvl 4 mage on the hill in the middle right, 10 White Lions and 8 Silverhelms on the left flank and 15 Spearmen and 10 Seaguards on the middle right.
    Team 2: deploys the WE army first. With a 24 tree strong Dryad unit with a Lvl 3 mage on unicorn in the middle, a Treeman and a unit of 24 glade guards on the middle left.
    Team 1: the 2d army deployed was the Dwarven army. Deploying a Cannon (Runes of Forging and Burning), a Grudge Thrower (Penetrating, Burning and Accuracy), an Organ Gun, a BsB thane (MR of Gromril and R. of Resistance) and a Master Engineer (MR of Kragg the Grim, Rune of Preservation and R. of Fire), all of it on the hill in the middle right. A group of 26 Thunderers (Musician and SB) in front of the hill and 20 Dwarven Warriors with great weapons, musician and SB on the left of the hill.
    Team 2: deploys the TK army on the left. Deploying a group of 34 skeleton warriors with a liche priest (lvl2 Ramothep the Visionary) and a Tomb Prince. He places a unit of 4 Ushabti to the right together with a unit of 3 Chariots with another Prince. Behind the Chariots he fields a Tomb Scorpion and another lvl 2 liche priest on skeletal horse.


    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Team 1 : the empire player deploys his horde of 40 halberdiers with 2 detachments (15 swordsmen to the right behind the white lions and one of 19 halberdiers on the left of the horde) on the far left side in front of the TK player. A great cannon is placed on the hill with the rest of the teams artillery. Also a unit of 8 crossbowmen is put in front of the hill behind an obstacle.
    Team 2: the Dwarven player was next deploying in the left of his side of the table. He deployed his 16 Thunderers and Organ Gun on the hill and a unit of 15 Iron Breakers with a Lord on Shieldbearers to the left of that hill. Also a Flame Cannon was set in between the Thunderers and the Iron Breakers at the foot of the hill.
    Team 1: deploying last for team 1 was de VC army. He deployed a unit of 40 skeletons with a Vampire Lord and a Varghulf behind the 15 HE spearmen, a unit of 20 crypt ghouls, 3 crypt horrors and 3 vargheists at the far right flank across the Dwarven lord unit and finally a unit of 10 dire wolves in the middle of their side of the table.
    Team 2: the last deployment was that of the Lizardmen. Deploying a unit of 30 Staurus Warriors with a Scar-Veteran and a ‘Lone Slann’ across the enemy mountain, 2 units of 10 Skink Skirmishers in front of the Dwarven Lord unit of the same team as well as a hunting pack of 2 Salamanders each with an additional handler behind the TK player’s ushabti.
    Team 2: the Dwarven player deploys a unit of 10 Dwarven Rangers in front of their hill and the Lizardmen player deploys his 2 units of 6 Chameleon Skinks in the middle of the table (the jungle piece with the impassable ruins).

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Turn 1 team 1(army B)


    Basically shit moved up. The only surprising thing was seeing the Dwarven warrior unit moving so early on in the game, following the demigryph unit for support.

    Having nothing of real significance happened yet, nor any opportunities given. The team thought it to be the best investment to give all the power dice to the vampiric maniac in the large heap of skeletons. Spending a whopping 14 dice fattening up the unit from about 35 skulls to about 56 or so. Using his signature spell.

    Seeing the good amount of artillery they had they didn’t do all that much damage, A single Saurus casualty and 3 Dwarf Rangers.

    Close combat

    Simply didn’t happen.

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Turn 1 team 2(army A)



    The whole battle line advanced racing to close the gap between them and the enemy artillery.

    Some augments where cast for protection from enemy artillery.
    The Slann cast earth blood on this own unit. And provided the Dryads with flesh to stone.



    The Chameleon Skinks downed 5 of the Dire Wolves. In gallons of poison

    Close combat


    No heads where smashed yet.

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Turn2 team 1


    Everything moved into charging distance but the most important thing that happened was the demigryph fumbling over its own 4 feet at the edge of the forest (such a dangerous terrain that is) and breaking its neck during the fall.
    The Dire Wolves, Sea Guard and High Elves Spearmen moved up to meet the Saurus Warriors head on.

    This magic phase may have already determined the winners. Seeing an opportunity given a good amount of power dice, the vampire lord wanted to raise himself some zombies to the right of the Saurus warrior group. Putting a bit too much power behind the spell, he IF’ed it with 3 dice. Summoning 11 zombies at once. But throwing a 3 in the miscast result not only killing 4 skeletons but being sucked into the abyss himself, leaving about 7 power dice and a crumbling undead army behind. The rest of the dice were used for ward saves and a huge fireball destroying an entire unit of Chameleon Skinks, leaving only a pile of smoldering ashes.

    In the shooting phase, artillery took 2 Dryad lives with the Rocket Launcher and the Grudge Thrower, while the Empire Great Cannon destroyed a single Chariot of the Tomb King army.

    Close combat

    Both sides hungered for blood as the first close combat draws near.

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Turn2 team 2


    Charges where declared by the TK Chariots ramming themselves into the White Lions almost on the opposite side of the opposing battle line, smashing themselves in with such a force it would still the hearts of even the bravest of men. Clearly there is no axe nor shield strong enough to withstand an almost gruesome 17 S4 impact hits, thrown with only 3 dice... The second charge declared was that of the huge Treeman running into the remaining 2 Demigryphs. Another charge was made by the Dwarven Rangers at the Zombies The last charge was that of the Saurus Warriors charging the 5 Dire Wolves closely in front of them.

    This magic phase, the Slann in the Saurus Warrior block saw an opportunity to cast some augments to buff up the advancing line since he finally got his Throne of Vines up. He cast Flesh to Stone and Shield of Thorns on his own unit. The Wood Elves mage was able to cast the hidden path on her unit of dyads.

    The shooting produced by 20 Skinks concentrated on the crypt horrors only did a mere 2 wounds. The Dwarven Thunderers behind them shot the life out of five of the HE Spearmen. Another 2 Dwarven Warrior lives were lost to Chameleon skink fire and 3 Silver Helms where cooked inside their tin foil armor by Salamanders, which was an horrific sight to see, snapping the will of the remaining 5. The HE Archer line got hit by a full volley of WE arrows and lost around 5. Not making their panic check, they ran off the battlefield.

    Close combat
    The impact hits from the TK Chariots utterly destroyed the 10 man strong White Lion unit running them right off their socks (I am pretty sure White Lions are the white socks wearing kind of guys). making way for an overrun into the Swordsmen behind. The Treeman destroyed 1 of the remaining Demigryphs and overran the wounded and fleeing last one. The Saurus unit reburied those Wolves and made its way into combat with the Seaguard and the already weakened Spearmen.

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Turn3 team 1


    As the Silverhelms recovered their courage and started making their way towards the battle again, the Dwarven warriors saw their opportunity to charge the Chameleon skinks now out of their hiding. The skinks, almost reacting instantly, decided they didn’t want to stay put and get their little skinny limbs chopped off and got away safely. Another charge was declared by the crypt horrors wanting to take revenge for the rain of poison they had to swallow. Cowardly and quick as they are the skinks once again got away. The rest of the movement face was basically readying for the incoming charges.

    Augments , and lots of them. Ward saves for practically every unit surrounding the HighElves Archmage.

    Shooting was relatively uneventful, claiming 2 Dryad lives and some of the skink handlers of the salamanders. And another Dryad live was lost to Thunderer fire.

    Close combat
    Close combat was colored with the guts of 1 Saurus Warrior and those of 7 HighElves Spearmen and 3 Seaguards. Both HighElves units broke, having to pass a snake eye’s LD test. But most shocking of all was the second time the already bloodied (and covered in white socks) TK chariots destroyed an entire unit (This time it was the Empire Swords Detachment of 15 man strong) with another 17 impact hits throwing only 3 dice. Also the zombie unit keeping the Rangers behind was destroyed.

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Turn3 team 2


    The Tomb Kings skeleton bus rammed itself into the Empire Halberdiers alongside the Ushabti. The Halberdiers Detachment reacted by countercharging the skeletons in the side. The Dryads used their hidden pathway to charge Thunderers along with the Saurus warriors. The Zombies were charged by the small but drunk with rage and Bugmans ale band of Dwarven rangers. At the same time the iron beakers moved themselves and their impenetrable cans into the face of the Crypt Horrors, to start the smashing and bashing.

    Flesh to stone was recast on the Saurus warrior unit. And 5 dwarves with great weapons disappeared into the forest, taken by unseen things all because of the strangle roots spell of the Treeman.

    Three more Silverhelms were cooked by the salamander hunting pack, again panicking the rest of the unit. Another 13 Crypt Ghouls where burned to a crisp by the flame cannon and shot by the skinks to their right. Another 8 Dwarven warriors watching their friends disappear in the forest were shot by the Glade Guard inthe woods on the other side of the battlefield.

    Close combat
    Finally the two army’s clash in a battle of six races. As the empire army and the tomb prince’s army meet each other on the left they exchange blows taking the lives of 21 halberdiers and dissolving into the sands, 28 of the eternal lord’s skeletal followers. The Dryads and Saurus warriors combined their strength to take down 14 of the Dwarven Thundrers. Not being able to stand and shoot against the Dryads charging from their hidden path the Thunderers took up their axes and defended their position taking one Dryad and two Saurus warrior lives. The raged Dwarven rangers smashed their way true the zombies. And the Iron breakers + lord took out two of the three Crypt Horrors losing two of their comrades in the process.
  10. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Turn4 team 1


    The Silver helms and High elves Spearmen kept on running. The Dwarven warriors lost in the woods quickly found their way out. The Varhgulf charged into the Dwarven rangers, and the Vargheists destroyed the unit of 10 skinks after taking 2 wounds in a stand and shoot reation.

    Protective verses where cited by the empire priest giving the unit a 5+ wardsafe. Other protective spells where cast by the High elves mage. And as a result of crumbling the remaining 4 Crypt ghouls died.

    The only significant thing that happened was the cannon destroying the remaining 3 chariots who had been standing still, only leaving the Tomb prince.

    Close combat
    Inspired by their captain and protected by their God’s the men of the empire fought bravely taking 2 undead lives for every one of theirs. For a moment it seemed that there was hope still for the Empire!
    Meanwhile the remaining Thunderers where slain defending their position. And the last Crypt Horror was slain by the Dwarven lord.
  11. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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  12. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    The Lichepriest seeing his unit melt away, gathered the power to cast some augments like protection and smiting but IF’ed the first spell giving the unit only the ward safe and reanimating some of the fallen skeletal warriors. And just like the vampire did in the second turn he blew himself and some (3)skeletons up. The only difference between these two cases was that he took with him about 7 Halberdiers is the process.
  13. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    The Dwarven flame cannon melted away the Vargheist unit except for one wound.
  14. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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  15. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Turn5 team 1


    Fuck it this is where the interesting stuff happens, never mind the shuffling around of the other units.

    Nope not this time

    Could have happened but wasn’t interesting enough to remember.

    Close combat

    Taking their last stand all but the captain the priest and a few men were slain. The remaining few fled and the halberdier detachment was run down by the Tomb scorpion.
    After seeing this the battle was decided. Team 1 had lost, and would one day come back to avenge their fallen brothers and sisters in arms.
  16. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Evaluation [/b]
    High elves general: Jan
    What went good?
    What went wrong?
    What would you do differently next time?

    Empire general: Jasper
    What went good?
    Other than that I had lots of fun that day, not very much. The only reliable part of the Empire’s army turned out to be the lowly halberdiers. Until they got flank-charged by an angry, pissed of tree of course.
    Sigmar smiled on them through the hands of his faithful subject, the warrior priest Willehalm Stolz. No empire army should engage in righteous battle with the emperor’s enemies without them.

    What went wrong?
    Mostly everything. Our many black powder warmachines decided to either miss, incapacitate themselves, or hit but not wound. One notable exception was near the end when my cannon finally managed to destroy the Tomb King chariots ((and I just remembered that the tomb king lord/prince riding one of the chariots would also have been hit; a cannonball is treated as a template weapon, so it hits all parts of a multi-part model)).
    Magic went wrong for us. Especially the Vampire who got sucked into the Warp was a hard blow. I managed to forget the Slann’s Throne of Vines on several occasions as well.

    What would you do differently next time?
    Bring an engineer to babysit the artillery. We should have also taken more care in our deployment. Especially my Demigryphs were wasted on bad placement on my part.
    Also, cavalry and magic.
  17. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Vampire counts general: Dieter
    What went good?
    Well, not a lot I must say… I’ve really enjoyed myself that day, plus all the people are really great players. But for the game itself, nothing really went well. The only thing I can think of is the annihilation of the skinks by my Vargheists. But that was only overkill, like a dragon fighting some ants. That wasn’t luck.

    What went wrong?
    Right from the start I’ve had bad luck. I let others place their pieces first, which left me the far right side to defend the artillery hill. Against an army of dwarven warriors, I could barely defend myself. I’ve had some serious bad luck when my army general (and only magician, stupid stupid stupid) blew up. From that point I’ve kinda lost all hope and played with half my enthusiasm (my magic phase was gone and I don’t have a shooting phase in my army, so my contribution was merely in close combat). By doing this I kinda feel I’ve abandoned my allies, because since that point we started losing.

    I still wonder who jinxed the game because our luck had turned when my lord exploded.

    What would you do differently next time?
    Better communication! Especially for placement the communication is crucial. I’ve let everybody go before me and they just placed where they wanted, without thinking ahead (or that’s what I made of it).
    If we knew on beforehand who would be my enemies and my allies, I think we could have done a lot better. I could have balanced my army better (my idea was heavy hitting, low on magic, but I need more magic in my army).
  18. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Dwarves general: Dieter
    What went good?
    Hard to say for me, I mostly enjoyed the event and the very nice people I played with. Especially Jasper, who truly appeared to be a far more experienced player than any of us, managed to crush my believes in me knowing at least something of the rules but at the same time thought me much more of the game then I ever knew before! Enlightening day it truly was.
    My placement was (according to my ideas) pretty good, the mountain top was completely filled. I know that could have posed a risk for template spells but the big terrain in the middle made it that way. My BsB was next to both my Warriors and my Thunderers.

    What went wrong?
    We did spend a lot of bickering on where to place the parts of our army, thanks to that our front line looks (and really was) one huge mess on the right. We tried to defend all sides but instead of thinking about it a little more we all just kind of tried to defend all sides at the same time therefore blocking ourselves…
    The Dice Gods somehow did not like my guts that day, in all these rounds I managed to shoot, crush and obliterate the insane amount of at least 10 enemy models (yes, single models)… No Idea on how to improve that, all my runes where placed and even a Master Engineer didn’t change anything about that (damn that lazy guy’s ass!).
    My Warriors were to aid the DemiGryphs in their heroic slaughter of vile Wood Elf and Tomb King spawn (they ran their short feet off just to keep up with them) but once those mighty beasts were whipped of the face of the table, they actually were placed in a pretty bad position… They charged some Chameleon Skinks just to do something but they fled and my fierce Warriors got lost in the woods. After that, they were just toys in the hands of the Wood Elves with their Wood Magic and were eventually finished off from a distance by a bunch of cowardly hiding Elves.

    What would you do differently next time?
    No idea actually. We had no idea about the teams, only the participating armies. I took a big risk with going all artillery and since I couldn’t make another composition anymore (partly because all non-core, non-artillery models are unavailable and partly because I didn’t want to waste more time on creating something new) I just stuck with the idea. Maybe seeing as more of our team went heavy on shooting I could have taken more close combat. But if my dice where just as bad for them as they were for my cannons, nothing would have changed…
    Something else that should have been different definitely is the placement… Probably more working together as a team…
  19. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Wood elves general: Sarah
    What went good?
    We won…
    I had a wonderful day, enjoyed the humorous company, the food & drinks, the game (of course!!), like to do this again soon!
    Concerning the battle, I had some unbelievably good luck with the dice and our adversaries had no luck at all… Spells worked out, my archers pierced Jans archers and scared the crap out of them, my Treeman did not get hit by the fierce shooting, my Dryads triumped as never before (me proud) and my wizard on unicorn is só beautiful! I only lost 96 pts of my deployed troops (proud again)…

    What went wrong?
    To be absolutely short… it’s in the past… that’s what’s wrong…

    What would you do differently next time?
    My first thought would be… nothing… but that’s too predictable… so I will not tell ya, because then you’d be prepared…
  20. THE_LAIR

    THE_LAIR New Member

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    Tomb kings general: Robin

    What went good?
    Well, obviously the 17 impact hits I got 2 times, once on those White Lions and once on the Empire Swordsmen, where amazing. Those chariots certainly earned their points back so I was very satisfied with them for that game. Also I think my Ushabti and my Tomb Scorpion did some decent damage.

    What went wrong?
    I should have gotten more healing off near my big Skeleton block. Because I only got a few augments off and my light (lore) Priest didn’t get to do much either, another Priest with the lore of Neckhara would have been nice. Also I should have tried to prevent more augments from the Warrior Priest on the Halberdier block.

    What would you do differently next time?
    Next time I am going to try and switch the light(lore) priest for a Death(lore) Priest, depending on the opponents I am going to play. Especially in this game it would have made everything a lot easier if I got to snipe the Warrior Priest or the Captain. And next time I am taking a Casket of Souls in my army even in the lower point battles!

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