8th Ed. lizardmen + vampire counts vs high elves + chaos warriors

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Rettile, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    1500 each army
    i'd like to try a monster heavy list like this:

    slann, focus of mastery, becalming cogitation, dispell scroll, bsb
    2x1 sally with extra handler
    40 skinks + 3 kroxigor
    20 temple guards, standard bearer, standard +1 movement

    core troops are 373 instead of 375, but this is a friendly game so there's no problem
    what do you think?
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: lizardmen + vampire counts vs high elves + chaos warrior

    If you want to go monster heavy, maybe you should take an Oldblood instead of a Slann though you can't get a lot of magic items at 375 points, perhaps a Skink chief or Priest on a Stegadon. Vampire Counts tend to rely on their magic at least as much as we do and you're likely to be bickering over who gets the power dice if you both take heavy spell casters.

    A Terrorgheist and some Crypt Horrors will add some nice monsters too.
  3. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    Re: lizardmen + vampire counts vs high elves + chaos warrior

    I agree with scalenex, if it is possible for you try to include a carno. The low amount of items you can get on the oldblood, is offset by the low amount of high strength shooting coming at him, since high elves will probably have 0-2 bolt throwers and the chaos 0-1 hell cannon. Which means that best case is 0 warmachines and worst is probably only 3. Try to have carno lord go and eat his bloodcrushers (if he has them) after setting them up for a flank charge with the skinks or a unit of wolves because they are forced to overrun because of frenzy.

    something like this:

    saurus oldblood, charmed shield, light armour, luckstone, carnosaur.

    saurus scar veteran, great weapon, light armour, amulet of itzl, venom of the firefly frog, dragonhelm, cold one, battle standard bearer.

    26 skinks, 3 kroxigors, banner and musician.

    10 skink skirmishers.

    9 chameleon skinks.


    salamander hunting pack.

    salamander hunting pack, extra salamander.

    You have only one block but it has movement 6 which should allowe you to attack where you want. Remember that the carnosaur is no large target >:/ therefore the elves dont get +1 to hit against him :D

    Tell the vampire counts player to take a level 4 and you should be good, remember that the vampire lore attribute can be used to heal your monsters though i think thats all the help you will get from his magic. the problem arrises if your ally wants to have a combat lord in which case you should just stick with the slaan.

    also dont say you cant take the extra skink in the big block (if thats what you go with) when you have taken 2 extra on the salamanders

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