7th Ed. Battle # 2 1500 Points, I'm not counting this one.

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Scaper, May 30, 2008.

  1. Scaper

    Scaper New Member

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    2 Twenty Man Saurus Units with full Command
    ----1 Scar Veteran with Spawning of Itzle (armor), Spawning of Sotek, a Great Weapon, Light Armor and Aura of Quetzle.

    2 Twenty Four Man Skink Skirmisher Units

    1 Eight Man Saurus Cavalry unit with Full Command. (These models are awsome).

    1 Skink Chief with Blessing of Sotek and Dagger of Sotek.


    4 Bolt Throwers with Engineers

    1 Organ Gun with Full Crew

    2 10 Man Thunderer Units

    1 Thirty Man Dwarven Warrior Unit
    ---Thane with first strike rune and 1+ armor save rune.

    1 20 Man Iron Breaker Unit

    Thanks again for the advice guys, I"ll read over the terrain rules again and see about generating it. Here's a brief synopsis of my second game with my friend, I would say it's not worth mentioning accept I did learn something important, I think. There were two things that happened in this game that led to it being a total disaster for me. Deployment and terrain. It was the kind of board where everything is built into the table, with the terrain placement rules.

    The Board in this game was great for him. The whole damn thing was lined by hills and there was a big hill in the middle. I set up with the intention of being able to use that huge hill to block his line of site, thinking one hill would block me from what's on top of another hill. Apparenlty this is not the case, an employee told us that if he can see my units then his hill is higher and he can shoot over. Considering all of his artillary was on a huge hill in the corner I knew I was toast.

    Deployment was bad for too. I thought he was deploying in the middle of the table but the Dwarves were just out of the case "sitting there", in their movement trays. Since were were rushed for time we skipped the hit by hit deployment and threw our stuff out, big mistake for me. I'll never do that again. I ended up catty corner to his army with the useless hill in between us, which at the time I didn't know was useless.

    So the first turn we get into an argument about line of sight, the store staff says the rules support him. For the next Six turns I marched my army towards his little cluster of Dwarves crammed onto the corner in the far side of the board, he shot the crap out of me, apparently everything was in line of sight every turn. That would have been the whole game, half my guys dead from shooting without one Dwarf down. We played for nine turns though so it wasn't a total waste of an evening. Eventually I got into combat with less than two ranks of Saurus in both units (my only remaining troops) and the store closed.

    Deployment, Board and the rules governing Terrain. There's a big part of me that doesn't look at this as a loss because I don't feel like we even played. All I did was move my Lizards into the teeth of his artillary for six rounds, shrug. Ok, duh, I can't win that. I knew the game was over by the end of turn one. Next game we're rolling for board choice, we're deploying per the rules and we're putting down terrain per the rules. Oh and he has those hills now, there is no rule governing the "size" of the terrain, so he's got four hills. Each is about Seven inches deep, two tiered, and 18 inches long. I think his goal is to make it impossible for me to place terrain once he puts those things down.

    Even though I didn't get my Scar Vet into combat with his Thane, I almost killed him with regular Saurus, I feel confident my Scar Vet can consistently kill his Thane. I learned the best thing to do against his Dwarves is just suck it up and get as close as possible, I'll never try to hide behind anything again without some kind of magic support.

    I never failed one break check, Lizardmen are tough and dependable, if they can withstand the punishment from that game then I"m going to start relying on it like crazy. Next game I"ll have the models I want to field a JSOD to take out his artillary and I won't make the mistake of deployment. Maybe even hide some Skink Chiefs in big Skink units since Skirmishers can charge around R&F units.
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Thanks for posting, that looks like a mean dwarf list! :)
  3. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    I'm not a big fan of gun-line armies, (unless they are on my team :)) But i can't really hate because my main army is Wood Elves so i get into combat when I want to. But at least i can say that my army is out in the field mixing it up at least. Yeah play him on a level playing field and let us know how badly you eat him.
  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunatly for you dwarves are built for the sit and shoot their max move is 6 which is skink half move. However another thing you guys can do to mix things up is play scenarios from the rule book. This can really change things for the dwarves especially if things like capture the flag type scenarios which force the dwarves to move or lose.

    Another thing to concider is woods, you can build yourself some massive woods, you can make them super tall and make him as long as his hills. Then try and plop them in front of his hills. And as long as they are as tall or taller than his hills he can't draw line of site through them. So long as you make the woods over 2 inches wide.

    And yet another option is JSoD, FSoD (flying skink of doom), and Terradons as all of these will make shot work of artillary crews. Another thing that can work is the lore of shadow, which you can access with sacred spawing of Haunchi list. If you can land pit of shades against dwarves they should go down pretty quick.

    Good luck, Later dude
  5. montaa
    Jungle Swarm

    montaa New Member

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    My buddy bart plays some serious gun line dwarves. He usually does fine until the Kroxigors hit him. Then everything goes to hell. I dont use a whole lot of Saurus warriors simply because they are so slow. I screen with a jungle full of skinks and run everything else up behind him. My two Saurus unit usually arrive just in time to clean up the mess left by the Kroxigors.
  6. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    @montaa: I think the point is that even if he tried a similar approach as you suggest, it wouldnt matter. A skink screen doesnt mean diddly if your opponent can shoot over the screen by being on a hill. That, combined with the deployment issues meant that he didnt have time to reach the enemy.
  7. montaa
    Jungle Swarm

    montaa New Member

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    yeah, I'd moved beyond hope for the actual battle he was describing. fighting that battle would be like wrestling a giant squid for peanuts.

    GW's terrain rules are close to the silliest things i've ever seen. we play trees to the ceiling and hills block hills unless they are actually two levels tall. i.e. 2 piece of foam core thick :)

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