*shoves his armchair into place* Phew, good thing they still hadn't gotten rid of this over at TPV, I would have sorely missed it. Oh, hi folks, I guess I am the final one moving over from the old forum, hope all you guys are good both the new ones and those who moved over from the old forum. I have recently found opponents again and thus am slowly returning to the game. And with the new army book coming out, I decided that some of my old models could make do with an improved paintjob. Sorry if the pics are 10 years old, but the models haven't really changed in colour since they were used back then. http://s100.photobucket.com/user/Thuran/media/Rexti_Tepozolo_zps2b853272.jpg.html?sort=3&o=145 http://s100.photobucket.com/user/Thuran/media/Rexti_Bog-gar_zps4ece01c7.jpg.html?sort=3&o=146 (and before any of you comment it, yes, Boq-gar's claws STILL needs to be fixed, even if I have been terrified of doing so for fear of screwing up the model.) Thoughts and suggestions? The skinks use the same colour scheme as the saruii, and the monsters are undergoing re-assembly atm. In particular it would be nice with some ideas on how to make the red look a bit less flat, as the 5-6 layers of highlights really don't come across on the current models as much as i would like. Also a bit torn on whether i should keep the lava between the scales in the rework. Also leaning towards maybe a more blueish colour for the shields in orer to make the models as whole a little more vibrant without neccesarily having to make the models " themselves" more colourful? as is the regiments come off as looking a bit dark on the tabletop.
They look really good! I think the yellow inbetween the scales looks amazing! Pls post more pics as you work.
Nice looking scheme... yea does seem a bit dark though... I agree some bright shield might help. ps. use tags for pictures.
tried, for some reason it didnt work, but instead made the links disappear completely from the final post :S
Ahh I see what you did, I think you linked to the photobucket page instead of the image... (use the box over on the right an click on the direct link option in photobucket) then can paste in in over here with the tags.
Ok, made some progress since the initial post, finally figured what I should use as the basecoast, so now the main objective is where to go from there, and scales seem to cause some issues, so gotta figure a solution for them, or maybe switch to a different colour scheme for their backs. NB: very picture heavy, sorry in advance, but also wanted some feedback on where i might be doing something wrong, rather than just show the finished test model: Basecoat of Red gore mixed with Scab red. Give it a wash of Devlan mud. Highlighted with red gore, and minihighlighted with red gore+sunburst yellow. Extreme highlights made by adding a little white to the above mix, keeping it more of a bright orange than going into pink. http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m17/Thuran/05052013069_zps9667459c.jpg Back begun with sunburst yellow, followed by a wash of red ink, where i waited a little and dupped it with a bit of tissue to make sure the ink was slightly unevenly distributed. Proceeded to paint each scale black. This is why they always took forever to make, since each scale is painted individually :S At this point i decided to try highlighting the scales with a mix of chaos black and bleached bone, and the camera decided to stop taking clear pictures, but in RL i am quite happy with how it does brighten up the model a little, which turns very very dark after applying the scales, it still comes off as dark though : / Final test model results; Thoughts? Stages I should maybe do differently or not do at all? I was fairly happy with how the skin turned out, still being dark red, but still keeping a little vibrancy in it, and the highlights might need work, but seem to at least be headed in the right direction, but the overall look once the back is done irks me a little and I feel like im missing something....
Very nice! That Saurus looks fierce even without seeing his face. Can't wait to see how a whole squad looks!