do they use one lore? do they know all spells? I DONT GET IT! AAAGGGHHH HEELLLP MEE!!!!! [end spaz out]
:O ... Ok. Slann use one lore out of the BRB. They have 4 spells. This can be altered by disciplines / magic items.
Do you have the armybook for Lizardmen? The slann is a lev 4 wizard and is used like any other lev 4 wizard. Special rules is pretty clear stated in the armybook pp.43
And they don't choose the spells, a basic Slann is exactly like a level 4 wizard, look at the magic rules from the BRB, they are quite clear. There are upgrades you can give him (listed in the Slann page in the army book) that will boost that, but you need to pay points for them.
ok ... i thought i could take any 4 spells.... im gonna keep playing like that because my freinds are dumb! but now i know thanks!
I suggest you tell them the right rules now that you know them.. In the end you are only cheating yourself, and if you get to choose spells then surely they do to. Learning warhammer is about playing your first games how you think it works, then as you slowly learn more of the rules implement them into your games. My friends and I have been playing for 10 years now and we still occasionally find a rule that none of us knew about before, so implement it into our games.