Hey Guys and Gals, I finally finished my Native Army Book for 8th edition after years of work. Almost had it done in 7th edition, then 8th came out, and I had to redo a bunch due to the changes that 8th brought. Anyways, what I need is a lot of play testing to find out what is over powered, under powered or just unclear. That's where I hope all you folks come in. Anyways if you are interested the rules are here http://www.scribd.com/doc/138868941/Native-Army-Book and I also made 28mm horse stand ins, if you want to print them and glue them to card stock, if you don't have the minis for it. http://www.scribd.com/doc/137731063/Stand-ins-For-Miniatures From there I'm hoping people can post their findings in this post. Thanks in advance. Craken
Not bad, I don't see any redicusly over powered units or anything. ... ok the obsidian tomahaws bight be a bit over powered.... oh and you might want a different pic for your shamman, he just doesn't seem to match the rest of the artwork.
That is really cool. I actually like the shaman illustration. I do think a finished drawing/painting will look better though (mainly because all the other artwork is so detailed). I think the spirit bow may be a little too powerful. The hitting on a 2+ is a bit strong. If that 2+ is altered by the multi-shot penalty, range, and cover; then it is not overpowered.
Oh I was wondering how does the army play as a whole, are ther any obvious strenghts or weakness, does it lend it self tword certian playstiles ? are there several themes of army builds possible...
Haven't played it yet, but its designed to be a hit and run kind of army. The weakness of the army is defiantly lower toughness (thought that is less pronounced in Special and Rare) and the lack of armor save army wide is most likely their greatest downfall.
So Playtested my first game, it was a win. One item did prove to be overpowered, the Banner of Ku'Suk'Seai, though I was fighting Wood Elves which was mostly a shooty list, however the item should now read: "The unit is immune to all mundane missile fire (Magic Missiles or Magic Weapons/Warmachines still effect the unit as normal), however anytime the unit is effected by such an attack roll a d6 on the roll of a 1 the banner is used up and works as a mundane banner of the same type (either standard or battle standard)." This was my list: Native 1500 Sewati - Big Chief - 100 12 Bow, 3 LA, 27 Stallion 30 Buffalo Shield, 15 Uilata Amulet, 15 Axe (Sword) of Striking 65 Marks of Bear, Snake, Turtle +1S, +1 Attack on Charge, 3+AS (not modifiable), 5+ ward, +1 to hit cc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 267 Shaman - 60 35 lvl 2, 15 Warhorse 45 Amulet of Protection, 20 Fox Spirit Companion 6+ AS, 4+ Ward, MR (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175 Chief - BSB - 75 2 shield, Stallion 27 50 Armor of Destiny 45 Mark of Bear and Snake +1S, +1 Attack on Charge, 3+ AS, 4+ Ward ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 199 CORE Lightning Horses - 5 x Horsemen with Spears, Bows = 90 Thunder Horses - 5 x Horsemen with Spears, Bows = 90 The Red Wolves -20 x Hunters with Multiple Tomahawks, LA, Full Cmd = 210 Wolves of the Woods - 20 x Hunters with bows, LA and scouts, Standard = 150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 540 SPECIAL Blessed by the Deer - 10 x Brave Riders with MoB and Full Cmd, Banner of Ku'Suk'Seai = 310 1491 The Hunters with bows did well, but cracked like glass vs Dryads. 8 killed 20 hunters with ease. Hunters with multiple tomahawks, actually fared even worse against 8 dryads. The Horsemen, where both destroyed in shooting against elves. The heroes did well but I did lose my BSB in close combat. The Shaman did really well considering he was up against a level 4 caster. Really my Brave Riders killed everything while more core really was outmatched by the wood elfs. Its worth noting that I was expecting to fight orcs, and was hoping to be out maneuvering them, but my friend surprised me by bringing elves, which I always thought would be the bane of the Native army.