Evening, so after about a 2 year absence from the hobby and about a 10 year absences from WHFB I decided to take the plunge again and start an army. Previously had almost every army from both 40k and WHFB but never had a Lizzie army before for some reason. So this time around, decided to start there. Primarly a hobby painter, so this will be more a painting log then and attempt to get a strong competative army together. maybe along the way I'll get a game in or too, but we will see. So, to start with I bought a box of skinks, and a stegadon. going to paint them up and see how I go from there. Anyway, first test model done, and results are below. Kinda happy with the coloring and such. still working out what I want to do with the base so leaving that for now. next on the rack is 5 more with blowpipes. comments/suggestions welcome.
I really like the red and orange, works well together. I do think a little touch of blue would help balance it, as of now it's a little too much red and nothing else. Maybe blue-grey wood parts? Also, a pupil will help give it character. clockwork lizard
Very nice colours, I like the orange especially. Paint job is really clean. Are you going to use washes on this one or is it all finished? I'd suggest that you add some kind of shading. Also, maybe give the scales a bit softer hue of red, I think that would make it pop out from the skin. For example, you could drybrush some pure white and then just wash it with a red wash. Well, anyway, welcome back to the hobby and keep up the good work! I'm also really curious to see what you'll do with the Stegadon, so be sure to post pictures when you get that far!
Thanks for all the feedback. next batch of in-progress shots below. next batch of skinks in progress. starting on stegadon. trying out to see if this will work pm the leg section before I start on the whole model.
Looks like that could work for the leg. I would wash it to dampen the brightness of the yellow. The layering will look good though. A wash might also help blend between the yellow and green.
The skinks look great, very smooth clean painting style and nice colours.. cant wait to see them based!
I'm definitely a fan of the red/orange. looks very sharp. They look like they are on fire almost. Blue tips imitating an actual flame would look awesome i think.