I was browsing a few sites, and came across a pretty decent figure on Reaper Minis for the creature Couatl At £4.54 you can't go wrong, and it'll probably be much better than what GW might come out with (IF they ever come out with one)
since HE got their phoenix I think its 80% safe to expect that There WILL be a Coatl in the new book. 9th BRB is rumoured to have flying-heavy rules (whatever that means).
I bet that is the way they are going for sure. They did the same thing with the 6th edition of 40k. What better way to get experienced players (who may own lots of older miniatures) to buy new models than to offer new fangled flying models.
I've got that old Ral Partha Winged Serpent still in its box...been in search of a reason to assemble and paint it for years! These were sculpted by Jim Johnson (who was one of my sculpting mentors, long, long ago) for Shadowrun (no idea how it fit in with the fluff of that game, mind you) and appear on eBay still, from time to time. Here's a pretty good look at the box art: And there's a decently assembled and painted one here: http://members.shaw.ca/puce/wants.html
Here are some finds from the last time this topic came up... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/suggestions-for-coatl.3865/
The Reaper Couatl is beautiful, but I think its only about the size of a Saurus. Not really the monster / mount many are expecting.
If they do release a model, I'd want it to be at least twice the size of a terradon. like a great eagle model.
Great thread, thanks for looking that up. The Ral Partha Feathered Serpent is as big as any GW dragon, and looking at the photos of the 3D rendered one I am tempted to add more feathers to mine when the time come to assemble it. I'm fairly sure we'll see this in the new Lizardman book, but then again I've been thinking that for more than a dozen years now, which is why I bought and have been hanging on to that Ral Partha model all this time!
reminds me I read a guy speculating that because terradons could drop rocks, and because LM misses a large flyer it would be possible that GW evolved that concept and that we would receive a jungle dragon that could ..quote start: "carry and drop a stegadon unto enemy units, once a game" ...quote end. ...my head still cant comprehend the thought.
I've actually got one of these models, yet to paint it. Trying to figure out how to mount it to a base, maybe pinned stand with jungle growth to hide the rod. I'm thinking I'll play it as a Skink Chief on Terradon or something like that. They're about the body size of a Saurus, height of a kroxigor + the wings.
Honestly, that would be the coolest thing GW released in years if I could air drop a stegadon onto an enemy unit. That is probably the best suggestion i've heard for a new unit that makes me say "Man, I want to play with that" This made me think of the zoolander quote "It needs to be at least.....three times that size"
They better make it drop thunder lizards every turn or I'm not buying On a serious note, it should be bigger than a terradon. And it will be if it is released, GW likes big models with which they can overcharge you.