7th Ed. WoC vs LM, warriors of chaos perspective :P

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by callmeHK, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. callmeHK

    callmeHK New Member

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    Howdy folks. I'm a lizardmen player but also a chaos player. I played agains lizardmen and thought you might find it interesting to view it from the other side. So here it goes.

    You can read the rest of the day here : http://www.librarium-online.com/forums/ ... ost1408519


    Batle 1 : Lizardmen

    I faced down a force of stegadons. The opponent was a friend from my club who’s a very experianced tournament player. I knew his list was 10 wins to 1 loss at the time, so I didn’t expect to win.

    His army,
    Chief with double impact hits on ancient
    Priest with diadem on ancient
    Priest with 2 scrolls on ancient
    10 ranked skinks
    2X10 skirmishers
    3 razardons
    3 terradons
    Normal stegadon

    I rolled gateway, and took nurgle 1 2 times.

    He fielded his complete army but 1 stegadon between some woods and a water feature, wating for me to come that way. I raced my army forth, the knights, chariots, and warriors all sticking together. I Gatewayed his first stegadon, the one without any character on it. I rolled high, something like 9 str 10 hits orso. The poor dinosaur was left with 1 wound, and 2 crewmembers after turn 1! I also rolled to kill his first priest, but he scrolled 1 bubous and dispelled the other.

    His turn he started to move my way and get out of the cover of the woods. He realized that I didn’t had any restrictions to my gateway, and was going to spam it till he dies. His terradons flew over my flank to drop some rocks somewhere. His shooting did something to my hounds I don’t know anymore On my turn, I chared my first unit of marauder horseman in the already heavaly wounded stegadon. The other marauders charged the razordons, hoping to get some kills before they would be shot down. During movement I moved my daemon up to the other way of the table. The forest still covering him, from stegadons shooting at him. I casted again, this time on the engine that didn’t have any wounds so far. I can’t remember what I did, but I think I wounded it again for 2 or 3 wounds, also killing some crew and a wound to the mage. Bubous got off twice and got scrolled and dispelled. During my combat, the horseman slay the last wound of stegadon 1 and bring the beast down. Nice, 3 to go. The other horseman wich I charged down the razardons got a punch but stayed in combat.

    He moved around a bit, moving his terradons behind my central line of chariot, warriors and knights. I figured he was aiming to down my flying BSB on disc, but I didn’t really pay attention to them, for the stegadons were a lot more interesting. He shot down my hounds and used his engine power to smite the horseman who were in combat with the razardons. All perished. I think this was the turn where he miscasts on comet of casandora and I get to cast a spell. Boom! Gateway down on the engine. Kill the beast, leaving the priest down with 1 wound. He his it in the forest. Nice, 2 down, 2 to go.

    He charged his 2th engine down my warriors. Impact killing 2. I challenged with my champion. His stegadon, priest, and crew all failed to kill him. My champion in return did kill the priest! I won combat, but he made his stubborn test. My turn. I was afraid to charge the razardons with my chariot, because he would powershot it down with 6 dice. Instead, I took the rist, and charged with my daemon. I was to close for him to stand and shoot. ( phew ). The chariot charged down a group of skinks, and the knights moved up to the flank of the stegadon stuck in the warriors to flank charge him. Cast again, and this time failed on gateway, and buboes. His chief stegadon who I knew had the lance.. Also this stegadon didn’t have any wounds so far so it wouldn’t be that easy to down him. This would hurt. Slam! 7 impact hits. He killed about 3 warriors. I love my 2+ armour safe! I didn’t challenge this turn bewcause I steed of shadow-ed my mage out of combat, and challenging would only mean that I had less atacks against it. In return I did some wounds to the crew, but wasn’t able to kill the chief. I had to roll very low, but rolled a 1. I revealed my rapturous standard and told him, it counted as insane courage. Perfect! My daemon killed the first of the razardons. Lost combat but stayed. My mage who had teleported himself out of combat marched up to the lone priest in the forest, to bubou him

    Next turn, I flank charge with my unit knights into the 2 stegadons stuck in my remaining few warriors. Here’s where I made a mistake. I HAD to challenge with my mage in the knight unit, and that would cost me 10 knight attacks, and the warrior attacks, and perhaps even a dead mage. I challenged with my champion again to save him. He got himself stamped down to the floor. The other warriors however slew another wound of the second engine. I won combat by 1, and the stegadon with chief fled and got caught. My daemon slew another razardon and won, broke, run down. I charged the chariot in the last stegadon. He did kill my mage during the battle, but there was no way he could survive. After some turns, the last of the dinosaurs was chopped up.

    Massacre !

    Learning points. Gateway does rule! Also bubous are fantastic agains characters who support a vital rule in an army with only 2 wounds.

    Unit of the game. Daemon prince, for almost gatewaying 3 stegs down himself, and the warriors for staying in combat after 3d6 str 6 impact hits,


    Hope you liked it. CC always welcome.

  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Cool, nice report. Interesting and somewhat scary to see how little of chaos warriors the stegadon will kill, those things are crazy tough! Not looking forward to fighting them with my lizards, but we shall see how they go I guess.
  3. callmeHK

    callmeHK New Member

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    I had a 5+ safe after the impact hits and i rolled extremely good. Also i can give them regeneration to make them harder. But i just rolled terribly evil.


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