7th Ed. Need help versus Tzeentch 18+ Powerdice

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by stryker, May 28, 2008.

  1. stryker
    Jungle Swarm

    stryker New Member

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    I dont know if the slann would stand a chance against Tzeentch's Fireworks display.
    Their strengths scares me as follows:

    1.) They have a banner that gives -2 to casting.
    2.)Can produce 18+ dispel dice.
    3.) has a spell Boone of Tzeentch gives them D3+1 Powerdice.
    4.)Powervortex which gives a Level 2 Wizard +1 PD

    A quick fix i only Know of this is use a powerful close combat Lizardman army.IF the slann would stand a chance let me know ... any advice is welcome.

  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ya I'm not too sure if a slann priest would be able to defeat that alone, cause they know all spells from one lore. However if you can get drain magic off, that could devestate them. What I would suggest is the Slann Priest 2nd Gen and a JSOD, and maybe a priest if you could fit it. If you can kill his mage its all over.

    I don't know though that's just a thought. As I've posted before I think the new daemons are far unbalanced.
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Having played against such a list, let me assure you that it is not as bad as it may look. Not only do lizardmen have some of the best offensive magic thanks to the slann, but we also have one of the best defensive magic phases if worked right. Going against power dice junkie lists, I rely upon a combination of cube of darkness/BSotOO, and a 3rd generation slann w/ drain magic, staff of sorcery, curse charm of tepok, and a dispel scroll. With the first magic phase shutdown, you will be able to use drain magic/curse charm combo to force your opponent to essentially abandon his main caster. The remaining dispel scroll and +2 to dispel should get you through the rest. Even with such a defense, you should still be able to out-fight a Tzeentch daemons list, and the mortals are being shafted so its no biggy (no chariot dice batteries anymore :smug: ).
  4. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    It's sometimes easy for us lizards to forget but don't forget about miscast. I know there's not much we can do to increase the chances of it but with all those dice being rolled a few usually crop up, much to my delight! :D

    So yeah, in short those lists usually aren't as bad as they first look. What makes the lizards so good is that we can get a similar magic offence and still have some nasty CC units in backup!
  5. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Although we dont have a way of increasing the chance of a miscast, the curse charm of tepok would ensure that the first miscast will hurt
  6. BlakkMetalRaaah
    Jungle Swarm

    BlakkMetalRaaah New Member

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    Most LoC will have Tzeentch's Will, allowing a reroll a turn. So there probably wont be many miscasts.
  7. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    This is surely true. I should have clarified that I was speaking in reference to by previous point, in which through drain magic the likelihood is that an opponent will be relying on his heralds (still lots of magic). The curse-charm should discourage an opponent from trying to pull of large spells with his heralds, at which point the staff of sorcery should give an improved chance in dispelling the large quantity of low casting cost spells.
  8. BlakkMetalRaaah
    Jungle Swarm

    BlakkMetalRaaah New Member

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    It is also worth noting that because Slaans can choose their spells from more then one Lore, the threat of the Great Standard of Sundering (one lore at -2 to cast) is greatly decreased.

    If you even see the Standard of Sundering. Most will opt for the Great Icon of Despair (-2 leadership to everything within 12") because it is VASTLY superior. Especially when your army will already have 12+ DD :jawdrop:
  9. montaa
    Jungle Swarm

    montaa New Member

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    Bloodletters hate Skinks like fat kids like cake. Poison aside it is fairly easy to widdle them down with vast quantities of blow pipes and bows.

    Demons ironically need to be beaten in hand to hand. So spread them out with march blocking and hammer them with Warriors and Kroxigors. If your opponant is going to bring 18 Dispel Dice, bring a carnosaur instead of your Slann. See how long his bloodcrushers last against Carno in one side and kroxigors in the other.

    Be extremely careful of the Heralds of Nurgle. They have an ability to reduce the fighting prowess of anything in contact with them to a hair's breadth above zero. Make sure you are going to snap Plaguebearer units in two or be damned sure you multi charge. They will humiliate you, then kill you.

    Demons are heinous, but not unbeatable. Just dont try to out magic something that can't be out magiced.

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