Hello all! I've been a long time lurker and finally decided to make an account. I frequented the Pyramid Vault forums as "Dan the Slann" a while back, so some faces here are familiar. Lizardmen are the army that got me in to the warhammer hobby to begin with, but since none of my friends played WHFB I was destined to play 40k. I've been playing 40k on and off for over 12 years and have 6 unfinished 40k armies, as well as around 4000pts of Lizardmen of which very few have seen paint. I go through different ideas for themes pretty frequently, but find I don't have the time to implement any so Some of my previous ideas included Chaos Lizardmen (my Chaos lust now satiated by my growing Word Bearers army), an underground themed army that defends Lustria from subterranean threats, dragon themed lizzies and a ying/yang good/evil style army. Not many of these plans held up under the microscope of fluff, practicality or implementation so I've settled with the simple but also awesome Chotec themed army. I hope to post my progress but this is a pretty busy year so it wouldn't suprise me if I end up lurking for another 6 months or so before contributing anything meaningful to this awesome community.
Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you. If we can help, or if you can help any of us, please feel free.