Hello all! Just thought I'd say hi. I'm 100% completely new to everything Warhammer, including Lizardmen. I played Make Knight about 8 years ago, and then I played Hordes about 5 years ago, but have been out of the entire wargaming scene for about 5 years. But I found myself called back to it, but I didn't want to get back into either of those, so I decided to check out Warhammer. Seems pretty awesome, and I was deciding between the High Elves and the Lizardmen, but I think I'm 95% set on the LM. I'm actually going out to my LGM tonight to give them a test run. Anyway, just found the community, thought I'd say hi. I don't know how often I'll post until I can afford to buy the army, books, and paints (might be awhile), but I'll be lurking / learning. Thanks!!