Alright there fellow Scaled Generals. I've been playing the game WHFB for 6 months now (been playing 40k for two years or so) I have been lurking on this site since I first purchased the Army Book, and have decided to come forward with some posts etc (I have a list posted in the Army list section which could use some criticism) I'd never played WHFB before I started, but I have toyed with the idea of playing the lizards before (many years ago, choose Ogre's instead as they had literally just come out) Hoping I can contribute to the forums as much as you guys have contributed to my strategy so far. My main oponents are mainly Skaven and VC (there's a few of us have all started at the same time) and I hope to go to some local gaming groups once I'm all painted up. Well guy's I'm sat at work so I best get a move on nice meeting you all.