8th Ed. New unit game

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by skillfull_dan, May 20, 2013.

  1. skillfull_dan
    Chameleon Skink

    skillfull_dan New Member

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    The Game:
    Guess / Wishlist the new units that will get release with our new book. You are limited to the following:
    3 lords/heroes blisters
    3 boxes of units/monsters
    1 of the above must be a multi-kit

    The Explanation:
    So I was bored in a meeting, and did some quick math. The past three armies release all had around 3 new lord / hero models released, 3-4 new boxes released, and 1-2 of those boxes were multi-purpose like the vortex beast / khorne beast, frost / fire phoenix, skullcannon / chariot, stonehorn / thundertusk, etc.

    To keep myself awake I just wrote some possible combinations of units that will be released to follow this pattern. I am not guessing at the stats, or what their mechanics will be, just the thousand foot view of what we will get.

    I'll go first:
    Monstrous Infantry sized oldblood
    scar vet on carnosaur
    relic priest (lord kroak style)

    Juvenile Carnosaur Cavalry
    Arcanadon / relic priest shrine on arcanodon multi-kit

    If you get bored in any meetings this week, play along, its probably more fun than the meeting and equally productive.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I'll play, but I see more than just 3 options given the amount of things that went to Finecast.

    New Slann (plastic, possibly relic/regular multi-kit)
    1. New Oldblood/Scar-Vet on foot (plastic, lots of gear options)
    2. New Monster Mount (likely a revamped Carnosaur or a Coatl)
    3. Kroxigor Hero

    Plastic Terradons
    Plastic Kroxigor
    Plastic Chameleon/Skink command multi-kit
    1. Salamander/Razordon Multi-kit
    2. Some monster that does troop support (Coatl/Arcanodon multi-kit)
    3. Monstrous Cav

    EDIT: New guesses, restricted to 3 options :smug:
  3. Snellius

    Snellius New Member

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    Why would you like to see new terradons, aren't they just fine the way they are? Is there a difference between citadel finecast and normal plastic on which you based your choice?
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that Finecast is taking the place of pewter models these days whereas plastic is for all the new stuff.

    But yeah, those are just my guesses. Not really a wishlist. Though I suppose Daemons have plenty of stuff in Finecast so maybe Terradons will stick around. Just bugs me that our Skinks that ride them have big ol' spears that don't actually exist in gameplay.

    Who knows, maybe there will be a Terradon/Coatl multi-kit! They both have wings... :jawdrop:
  5. skillfull_dan
    Chameleon Skink

    skillfull_dan New Member

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    Finecast is definitely replacing the pewter. Unfortunately for us this mostly just means the same sculpts being recast which is exactly what they did for our slann and kroxigors. We didnt get new sculpts for them, just the same sculpts cheaper.

    I originally thought of this as what our new sculpts are going to be, i forgot that they re-release some of our existing sculpts.
  6. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Sir, I wish to lodge a protest. I do not believe that Qupakoco was in a meeting.

    My entry:
    (Vestibular Rehabilition Upskill Course, Session 2, 23/5/13)

    1. A new Saurus Hero who can ride the Raptordon (see below). Give him a magical lance and some lame story about how he was raised by chickens or something.
    2. Plastic / Resin Kroq-Gar on Grymloq that doesn't fall over and take out half your battle line.
    3. A chunky Kroxigor hero. Wearing a John Deer cap and a blue singlet.

    1. Plastic Terradons. Because I haven't based my metal ones yet.
    2. A template based semi magical warmachine (scatter dice anyone?)
    3. Coatl/Raptordon Multi Kit

    The other multipurpose item will be the emasculator. This will be included with the rulebook. It will be a pouch containing a small pair of scissors which are to be used to cut the balls off any of our Units which start with the letter "S"

    Attached Files:

  7. Dyvim Tvar

    Dyvim Tvar New Member

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    I do not think there will be major changes to the basic unit choices in the army. Although a number of armies have received new Monstrous Cavalry choices recently, I don't think the Lizards will get one (High Elves didn't). In large part, I think it is because Lizards already have both Monstrous Cavalry and Monstrous Infantry choices--Terradons and Kroxigor.

    Terradons aren't the type of heavy Monstrous Cavalry found in other books these days, but they are still a unique and very useful unit. I do think Kroxigor will come down in points to make them a more viable unit, but the stat line and abilities will probably remain the same (I think many of our troops will come down in points, such as Saurus Cavalry and Temple Guard).

    I suspect that the only completely new thing we might see in the Lizard list would be some form of independent flying monster (Couatl perhaps?).

    Everything else will be rules changes to bring the points cost and mechanics of the army in line with more recent books, such as skink crew will not be able to be killed separately from the Stegadons, and the Engine of the Gods will be an independent unit rather than a character mount.
  8. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Great post as usual Bob! I think out of all the posts, you are spot-on with the price of the new multi-kit!

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