Alright, so here is my first Cold One, any tips for the painting scheme? I went for kind of swampy and murky look instead of the usual bright green colors you see often. What do you think? Btw, god damn its hard to paint those riders, hard to fit brush under their shields or spears when painting..
Not bad, perhaps a light wash on the eyes to add a little depth. I recomend painting the hardest to reach place first, because usualy it's the messyest, and you can more easily touch up the easier to reach places.
Even if you are going with an overall dark scheme, it is still important to highlight or else the paint job looks flat. If you add a couple layers of progressively lighter edge highlights, you will still have an overall dark feel, but the model will look much more finished. This is where washes can come in handy, either GW washes or homemade washes (which can be as simple as thinned paint). Unless you are entering a painting contest, just wash those areas with a dark color, let it dry, and focus on details that can actually be seen. Also, a couple things regarding the basing. First, I really like the grass on there. What product are you using for that? Second, whatever texturing product you are using (is it model railroad ballast?), I would try to get something with a slightly smaller particle size.
Yeah, i will pick up more paints from the store, i only had two green colors. Lorren forest for the base and skavenblight dinge for scales. What extra green colors would you recommend? I think the gravel is basic Gale force nine hobby stuff, i might pick up smaller sand from store. The grass im using is the basic stuff that GW sells, some people complain about it, but it like it.
I am the wrong person to ask -- I still have most of my stuff in the old GW paint range and don't know the new range well at all...
Aye, all the new names are confusing. I have been watching painting videos on youtube and all of those have different names.
Looking good. Keep it up. As some others have said, using highlights and washes can add lots of depth to your models. I do like your aesthetic choices.
I agree with the advice you have already been given : some highlighting and very watered down paint washes will work wonders. As someone who has never used paints straight out of the pot a bit of mixing can go a long way. nixing a bright green with different browns gives a great murky natural green, likewise adding bone colours, yellows or even whites to greens you can produce a huge range of coulours. worth experimenting with. i tend to use one blue or one green and darken it for the basecoat with black and work up the highlights using tht same colour lightened with other colours, it ties together the layers nicely. im a big fan of the colour choices you have made with te cold one, i agree bright green can look a bit too garish, as i imagine my lizardmen spending most their time under a dark jungle canopy. il probably use the same type greens as you have whenever i get around to my cold ones keep it up looks good i want to see more!
i would say that a brown wash on all your golds and bone, and maybe a watered black wash on the silver areas to add depth and shading would improve these models. apart from that i like it its looking good so far i painted my scar vets cold one very similarly
The first thing that stood out to me was basing. I really like the tufts of grass you've got there - really effective!
Agreed, the bases are good, particularly the cold one's. You might want to think about adding a little extra variety, other than the tufts. Maybe some slightly larger rocks, or even better some rubble (like spare unused bits from sprues). The gold on the cold one rider's helmet and the metals on the weapon could definitely use another wash, but other than that I think he looks great!
Yea what mosey and bonz said, also try moving your light source so it illuminates the front of the model, it make them show up a lot better.
Agreed -- the models look dark, and I can't tell if it's the photos of the paint. Bases do look good though.