Hi there! I recently bought a plastic Stegadon kit from a friend which was all off sprue, but complete in contents. He doesn't know where the instructions are, they're long gone. I've tried googling the solution, but I guess it's all copyrighted etc, etc, and isn't anywhere for download. If someone isn't using them anymore, I need them badly please. I'll pay for them using PayPal because I want to get this beast assembled and start working on it on my day off in a couple of days. Please help me out, imagine being in this situation as a fellow hobbyist. I'd try to eyeball this assembly but there are tons of parts and I want the construction to be complete and thorough. PM me and we can sort out details pleeeeeeeeease BLAAARGH. Thanks.
I will be cleaning out my garage today I think I still have them (40% sure) around somewhere, if I find I will ping you for your email and will scan and send.
I could use the instructions if anyone still has them around... got one partially assembled, just want to be sure the person did it right