I was just hoping to get some opinions on my Stegadon. I would like to do it black and red with black being the base coat. I am new to painting and any advice you all may have for washes and dry brushing will be very helpful. Also I have a lot of gaps in my Stegadon. The gaps are along the top 2 pieces that make the steggys back. Should I attempt to fill this in or leave it since it will be covered anyways? I should also point out that as of right now i dont have games workshop paints so i don't know the names of the colors of paint they have. I simply go by red, dark red, light red... lol. Thanks in advance for your help!
Unless you plan to use the Stegadon without the howda (Storm of Magic/Monstrous Arcanum battles), I wouldn't worry about the gap.
Yeah red will be a challenge to paint over black and will have to do a few coats of it. But what combinations would be best to go with? I painted some saurus shields a little while ago and i used black paint for the scales and a shiny red paint in between the scales. I'd like to use something like that for the Stegadon but I am not sure how i can go about it and still make it look good on a bigger model. I can try to get a picture of my saurus if it might help you guys help me better.
So this is what my stegadon looks like so far. i still have a lot of work to do on it. A lot of little touch ups. This is only my second attempt at a Stegadon. First attempt was eaten by my dog So any tips or constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks.
This looks promising. You need to highlight both the black and the red. Black needs to be highlighted with a dark gray, and the red with a blend of the red you are using plus an off-white bone color works well. The spikes and horns need a couple more coats of paint since the black is showing through. I would do bone then white, and then add a brown wash around the base of each horn/spike so that they don't stand out and clash so much--it will make the transition to the white a bit more gradual.
the flash of my phone made the red look a lot brighter than it actually is. What I did was use a transparent red from Golden paints. I thinned it out a lot and put a couple coats on. You can still see the black through it but i kind of like how it turned out. I thought it gives the stegadon more of a battle hardened look. The horns i painted a light gray. what you see is a wrought iron on top of it. i was experimenting to see how it looked. I think I would like to stick with grey horns and again keep with the hardened look but i agree i should do something with base just not sure what. The wrought iron looks good settled into the grooves of the horn. I haven't gotten around to doing the belly just yet. I was going to use a dark grey as you suggested. Next thing i was going to do was put a wash over the ropes and bracers. Here is a couple of pics in a more natural light
not bad mate not bad at all, IMO i would do some highlighting/drybrushing over the hole model and shud come out pretty good
Still practicing with the dry brushing. I've tried it on some other models and it seems I either have too much paint or not enough on the brush.
Looking alright! Better than I expected! I would have said to go for a dark grey instead of black. Look at the painted GW Lord of the Rings elephant monster, it's a good contrast between a realistic skin colored grey and red war paint.
I see what you mean. Next time I may try that. I will likely have a couple more steggys in the future so i will definitely keep that in mind. I've always been a sucker for two tone color schemes and one of the colors always being black. Figured I'd try it on a mini. Seeing the challenges in it now though. So what would be the best way to highlight the scales? Right now, as you can see, I have a lot of black showing through the red I used and I would like to keep it that way. But the scales are still in need of something and I am not sure how exactly to go about it. I'm going to be working on it some more tonight but just going to work on the underbelly and some small touch ups where i made some messes. I know dry brushing will help and I will be practicing that tonight.