Hey guys, I'm fairly new to warhammer and my first army is lizzies because to me they just look pure awesome. Ive played a few games to relative success, and im looking to add a unit of cold one cavalry, but am unsure which colours to paint the beasts. My army is mainly ice blue with scab red highlights (shields, scales, etc). I really like the scab red colour in my army. Also, i have a razordon that is scab red body with yellowy goldy scales. Could i have that colour for my cold ones, or would it just look silly? is there any other good colour combination for the cold ones? Thanks!
I'm a big fan of red hide and off-white underbelly. Maybe you could even use that Razordon colour scheme reversed, so red hide and golden yellow underbelly? Plenty of other good examples exist. The various different combinations of green is always great. Or orange, I love orange. I used yellow for mine. Here's a picture: You can also reverse the colours, so yellow hide and black underbelly. So many possibilities! Good luck with your Cold Ones!
Thanks guys, but in the end i decided to go for scab red body with scorpion green scales. I quite like the contrast.
These are how they turned out. I'm not the best painter, but I dont think i messed these up too bad! Thanks guys!
your painting style looks neat, and you did make good use of contrast on these models, but i have two (hopefully) useful bits of advice which i think would work wonders on them 1: washes. water down a dark green, wash the scales with it. use watered dark blue on the saurus, and watered dark red or brown on the cold ones body. brown washes look great on gold and bronze areas, and very watered down black washes look good on silver areas. with such a vibrant colour scheme, i think some depth added by washes would look great 2: some sort of scatter material on the base. i amnt sure if you intended to do this or if you just paint your bases as i know a lot of people do, but im a big advocate of basing models, and think with some painted sand and a few clumps of static grass they would really complement the model dont forget to stick up a unit pic when you have the rest of the cold one cavalry painted!