So after a couple of year's I decided to get back into the hobby, and I want to start with a fresh army. I'm just testing out a scheme on some of my older model's and this is what I have come up with. I know that I wan't to do a yellow scheme since the new amazing paint range make's even working with yellow so much easier. This is what I have come up with so far. Im thinking of maybe making my weapon's Jade, I think it would be a really cool idea, but what setp's would one go about to make Jade weapon's and armor. I also tried to pain my Sarus a darker colour (a bit of Agrax erarthshade added to the wash) Although I wasn't 100% happy with the final results. I know my painting skill's still have a long way to go, but any tip's to get the skin shade's right. Sorry about the Image quality, I only have my mobile phone to take photos of my miniatures.
Hmmm... maybe you cold do a gila monster like patern on the scales, (Random black/dark brown scales) Jade weapons sounds prety kool Ps. This thread might help as well.
I think you can go with a very dark green, as in a fire salamander, for the scales and dark yellow/sand for the shield. I like your idea of the jade weapons. IMHO black and yellow create too much contrast and they could end up looking like the LM Steelers
I wan't t do scale's but I can't highlight to save my life. If there was and easy way where I couldn't mess it up big time I would do it. But I'm also afraid of the scales ruining the product. I was considering maybe brownish scales though. I'm not sure what to think. Expiremented with a blue sheild I don't think it looks to nice. I'll update with photo's in about and hour.
I think dark brown scales would look really good here. Your color scheme would then be pretty similar to the cold ones in this thread: It's not that hard to highlight with drybrushing, and you could emulate how it's done in the thread above. For shield color, I think green would be better than blue, but blue could work as well.
If you do the scales on saurus, you should also do it on the skinks just for the sake of consistency. Looking at your models though, I am now thinking you might NOT want to paint the scales on the models. The color you have really pops, and maybe you should just add contrast with shading. Simply adding a brown wash to specific areas -- around the scales, eyes, mouth and the spaces between fingers and toes -- could look really good and would be easy to do.
That's what I'm talkin' about. Medium brown would a good shield color just like in n810's mock-up. I do think you should use some actual metallic instead of jade for everything--after all, some of the armor and dangly stuff would be made of metal not just stone. Silver would be good to contrast with the yellow and jade.
I'm doing the weapon's jade but I'm having metal for all the arm band's and sheild bit's I'm also doing Golden / Silver for the wepon trims (like the steel parts around the spear, although the blade will be made of Jade. I'll do some pics in a few hour's just finished work and eating atm
n810's colour for the scales looks great, still the same colour as the skin but just slightly darker. maybe add another wash or two to the scales to darken them more and make them pop a bit? jade weapons should look great
So after a bit of painting and experimenting, I've decided I'm definatley not sticking with the blue shields. I want to try out the brown scale's and find a better technique to paint my Jade weapon's they look hardly like Jade. Also you can probably tell from the picture's but I kinda messed up the spine really badly and have to redo all the skin along the shield side as-well so I'm still in the process of repainting. I'm fairly happy with my skink though :3 (also I need brown paint to finish them) I'm not free during the day till monday because I got work Suggestion's for the Jade and Shield? Yeah he looks terrible. I got alot of work to do with my saurus but as for my skink I think its not to bad
When you said blue, I thought the shield color would be darker and I didn't like that idea, but this is a light blue-gray and it works. I think the jade color looks pretty good, but I thought that it would just be the blades of the spears. It looks kind of strange to have the blowpipes and spear shafts colored green. I would go with brown on that stuff and save the jade just for stuff that would more naturally be made of stone.
I agree I'm gonna do some paint shopping tomorrow. Trying to get a early night so I don't sleep in till 3PM. I'll update my work tomorrow
I still need to pain't the scale's and the frill. What colour's (specific's) Should I go for? They look so unfinished, I hope that the scale's and frill's will really bring them out. I'm afraid I'm not going to like it and re haul my colour scheme. >_<
maybe brown, orange or bone for the scales? its going to look unfinished until its based, models look ten times better once based so dont worry too much about it
Im working till Monday maybe longer, but when I get my next day off Ill head to GW and ask for some tips, reccomendations and help with basing
I seen both good advice and weird advice come out of the mouths of GW store employees about painting and modeling stuff ... Look at some of the stuff the person you are talking with has painted. Just because they work in the store doesn't mean they're better at it than you.
He actually has a yellow lizard's army too and his eldar scheme is the same as my lizard's colour (his yellow lizards are a bit darker, his painting skilsl are supurb) but I've seen employee's who have no idea how to paint too
He actually has a yellow lizard's army too and his eldar scheme is the same as my lizard's colour (his yellow lizards are a bit darker, his painting skilsl are supurb) but I've seen employee's who have no idea how to paint too