hey, new player to warhammer so only play lizards, only have 3 months experience but these cold blooded bastards have me holding a win streak of almost double digits. keen as to keep it up so would love help and tips from experienced players choice!!!
Kia Ora! Welcome. I, too, am relatively new (I had an account for about 12 months but couldn't get in for ages, so had to create a new account). You've had a few wins! Excellent! What kind of battles and lists have you played agains/with?
hey! this is the 1000pt army list i play with, going to start moving up to 1600pt battles soon just had to build confidence first, it has pwnd brettionians, empire, vampire counts, dark elves and orcs (the DE and orks alied with the VC for the last battle a massive 3v3 (1000pts each) versus my army list as listed with brettionains and dwarves). to be fair though most of my battles have been against vampire counts and seems to be very one sided old blood CO, GS, Halberd, VOTFF 218 scar-vet BSB GSS (gold sigil sword), LA, CS 135 priest dispel scroll 90 20 saurus command 250 stegadon 235 10 skirmishers 70 hasnt failed me since i started playing with it
1000pt battles are quick and easy! I played a few 1500pt battles last week which was fun. The only issue I have with the smaller battles is that, because Lizardmen are so expensive to field, there's not much to play with (unless you're going all skink). Looking forward to seeing some painted miniatures, army lists and battle reports!