Discussion in 'RPG' started by anglo, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. anglo

    anglo New Member

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    mordheim tepok? uhhh i mean topic sorry my common tongue is not the best

    i played my first ever mordheim game last night and i must say it was friggin sweet!
    went online after the battle and found the lizardmen warbands pdf etc and have just created my 1st ever mordheim lizardmen warband!!!

    anyone play this that can help out with tips and hints?


    ps: not even sure if this goes in RPG section but seems appropriate
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Yes, I can!

    I have been playing Mordheim weekly for almost two years now. I have experience with quite a few warbands. I can tell you a few things about Lizardmen.

    If you want to use a Kroxigor (very powerful in early game, not so much as the warbands advance). It is easier to start with one than to buy one later because the cost is 200gc. You should give all your skinks rope and hooks as soon as possible as well. That will give them a re-roll on climbing tests which are an initiative test.

    Whenever possible, perform diving charges with them. Skinks are fairly weak in mordheim, but where you will excel with them is multiple charges. More charges equals more hits. More hits equals more chances to remove someone from combat (out of action).

    You can also purchase poison fro your skinks at a reduced cost. This is worth it as it makes their short bows Str4 (but the weak poison still allows armors saves as normal, no -1).

    The first thing you should look for on exploration is the lucky charm (4+ save vs the first hit). They are 10gc and make sure all of your heroes have them.

    Here is what I would recommend for the first warband:

    With Kroxigor:

    Skink Priest
    Short bow
    bolas (great weapons that can tangle up your enemy)\
    helmet (skink priest can have these)

    Saurus Totem Warrior

    Skink Great Crest
    short bow

    Skink Great Crest
    short bow

    Skink Henchmen
    short bow

    Without Kroxigor:

    Skink Priest
    Short bow
    bolas (great weapons that can tangle up your enemy)\
    helmet (skink priest can have these)

    Saurus Totem Warrior
    Sword x2 (+1 extra attack)

    Skink Great Crest
    Sword x2
    short bow

    Skink Great Crest
    Sword x 2
    short bow

    Skink Brave Henchmen (make each skink brave its own henchmen group because this will increase the chance to get Lads got talent)
    short bow

    Skink Brave Henchmen
    short bow

    Skink Brave Henchmen
    short bow

    Saurus Brave (same with braves, each one its own henchmen group)
    sword x 2

    Saurus Brave
    sword x 2

    If you have any questions, let me know. I will post more as I think of them.

    Another couple of notes:

    The lizardmen scaly skin save cannot be lost due to str modifiers (like in normal warhammer). This means that if you are hit with a str 5 attack, you will still get a 6+ save on skinks and a 6+ save on saurus. This is not as broken as it appears though. When a a critical is hit, it can get past that if your opponent gets the no saves allowed critical.

    Do not forget the bite attack on your saurus. This is an extra attack that will go after all other attacks. It cannot be used on a knocked down or stunned target ( to remove them from combat).
  3. anglo

    anglo New Member

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    i shot at a guy with 4 skinks, the first skink hit and wounded on a 6 with poison etc, he was knocked down but when he was put on his side the others lost LOS of his model ( he was on higher ground). my question is what would happen with the remaining 3 skinks shots? he ended up getting up next turn and pretty much won the game for the enemy player
  4. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    In Mordheim, you do not roll all the shots at once, so you are free to select a different target. Poison does not work the same in Mordheim either. To get an auto wound on 6, you have to use a more expensive poison. The basic weak poison only acts as a str4 hit that does not cause the -1 to an armor save.

    On another note, if you had line of site on the down model, you can still shoot it. You do have to hit and wound it though.
  5. anglo

    anglo New Member

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    its ok i was using black lotus on my great crest that hit him
  6. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Ah, I thought of that, but could not remember which one it was that did the autowound on a 6.

    Weak poison on the skink braves for 5gc each is a steal though.

    My only real complaint with Lizardmen in Mordheim is that the Shortbow range is just 16.
  7. anglo

    anglo New Member

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    why did your army list have characters with swords x2 rather than say and axe and sword for parry and -1 as?
  8. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I did that on the fly. Also, in my gaming group, there armor is not used that much. It would make sense on them though and save gc.

    Good catch.
  9. anglo

    anglo New Member

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    at the moment im running

    shortbow, shield, helm, black lotus

    totem warrior
    shield, helm, axe, sword

    great crest x2
    shortbow, axe, sword, black lotus

    skink brave x3
    shortbow, reptile poison

    saurus brave x2
    axe, sword

    how does that look? im thinking about giving the great crests shields depending on if i vs bloody elves again....
  10. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    It looks solid. I would recommend separating your henchmen into individual groups of henchmen. This will allow you to roll separately for their levels and potentially getting 'Lad's got talent' more. Or at least a better chance.

    If you have already played a couple of games, you may not want to lose the guys, but you can keep their equipment at least.

    I would also recommend getting lucky charms (4+ vs first hit), rabbits foot (reroll), and ropes and hooks (for a reroll on climbing/falling).

    In our group, we allow the use of the rabbit's foot all the way through the exploration phase. This means that if your hero is out of action and you have not used it. It may be used to save a character that rolls a death result on the injury table.
  11. anglo

    anglo New Member

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    had another game this evening, 3 player barrel harvest map. ended up with heavy armour x1 wrydstone pendulum and 92gp got some sweet skill and stats for my heroes who all survived :smug: , my question now i guess is can i give any of my guys the heavy armour?
  12. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    That will depend largely on your group. Look at your lizardmen rules to make sure that it is not forbidden. I know that if you find Gromiril (whatever the spelling is) armor (or the Elven version) you can equip it.

    If your gaming group is ok with it, then you are good to go.
  13. anglo

    anglo New Member

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    mean,! im sure they will be fine with it. i equipped one of my great crests with a crossbow, infiltration nimble and weapons expert, so i wil start the game with my 3 skink heroes on the map hidden anywhere. also priest has hunch so i can bring up to 3 saurus with me for bodyguards. should i equip the priest with it or the totem? (the heavy armour)?
  14. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    The priest cannot have heavy armor, only a helmet (per the rules). Definitely the totem warrior. That will give him a 4+ without a shield and a 3+ with a shield.

    Had my first two games today with my new lizardmen list. Faced off against an Amazon warband and lost horribly both times. One great crest died post game. A smashed leg took a great crest out of the second game and then, in the second game, I lost the priest to an injury table roll of 12 (did not have enough gc to get a lucky charm in the first game).

    For my henchmen levels (4 of them), I lucked out and got +1 to BS on two of the skink braves and +1 WS to one Saurus brave (+1 attack to the other).

    The henchmen were the stars in both games taking 2 heroes out of action in game 1 and 3 out of action in game 2.

    Going into the third game I have the totem leading and 3 skink braves, 2 great crests (bought a new one with what little gc I won on the first exploration), and 2 saurus braves.

    All in all a bad day for Lizardmen in Mordheim.

    I will hopefully purchase a priest after the next game (although I am tempted to can the warband and start over).
  15. Kha xa kota

    Kha xa kota New Member

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    This is a good question, but remember in the rule book and re-explained in the Mordheim erratas during combat you only gain the benefit of one weapons special rules. Therefore, you have to choose before each round which of the weapons the character is utilizing. So x2 swords is actually a better choice vs. x2 axes unless you prefer the -1 armor save. I would personally like the ability to parry twice each turn.

    All in all though your warband is solid, the axe sword combo also works well as it can give you the option to choose which benefit you want each turn.
  16. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    You can only parry once per round of combat.

    In our group, we play that the sword allows the parry and the off handed weapon still benefits from any modifiers for it (in the case of the axe, the -1 to AS).
  17. anglo

    anglo New Member

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    mmmm, in our group we play in each round of combat at the start you declare what your primary attack/s weapon is and then you get your bonus attack with the secondary, so i choose axe as primary so i still get the parry but i get my base attacks at -1.

    seems to even it out if both players are playing like this. can be OP tho later with awesome weapons maybe?

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