Omaha, NE

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by smf33124, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. smf33124

    smf33124 New Member

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    Hello. I just moved from CO and sold my army. I regret it, but it needed to be done. I was looking at getting back into the world of warhammer and wondered if there were any clubs in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area? I would really love to get back in especially since I found out about the new HE book. I wanna put a beating on them Elves, now more than ever. Hopefully LM are next in line for a book...?
  2. Kha xa kota

    Kha xa kota New Member

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    smf33124, sorry I don't know more about that area especially with all of my wife's family coming from NB. But if you ever come down to the Tucson, AZ area there are quite a bit of us Imperial Guard Desert Rats out here. Now by Imperial Guard I don't mean we are all playing that army in 40K becuase I play Space Wolves, Tau and Orks. Fantasy Battle Games there is just about every army except Bretonnia that I know of out here.

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