Awesome Tutorial from wappellious.
Thanks for the links! I don't know if I will be painting many more lizzies in the future, but there will be many more terrain pieces coming. I have lots of new techniques that I have developed since I did the Temple of Blood!
Pretty awesome post, but I find myself wondering about how you make the glazes at different stages. ie. their consistency, what goes in them for what base medium (like how do you turn a vallejo model paint into a 'glaze', whether you need to thin P3 inks and what with, etc). Do you have a blog post about that sort of thing, wap?
There are a number of posts on the blog about glazing. If you do a search by that subject, you should find all kinds of step by steps. My training was as a watercolor artist, so glazing is a natural thing for me. Glazes can take on any form. It might be a GW or Vallejo glaze (or secret weapon), or watered down paint, or mixtures of both. There is no set formula, etc. It really depends more on the miniature, and what I need to do.
Wow, that looks really good! Easy to follow, and you get such a nice finish. I especially love the effect on the shield, where it seems textured and "painterly" - sometimes people paint TOO smoothly. I remember trying something sort of similar back in art school on an old Slann, but it didn't quite turn out right. Can't wait to give this method a try!
The entire Lizardman army really lent itself to this technique. In fact, it was in creating this army that the technique was born!