8th Ed. lizardmen vs vampire counts

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Animaux, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Animaux

    Animaux Member

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    2500 point battle vs vampire counts

    my list is http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/returning-player.11921/

    vampire count player playing 2 terror ghiest

    vamp lord with screaming blade

    baby vamp

    2 mages

    25 grave guard

    40 ghouls

    30 skelleys

    3 verghast

    2 terror ghiest

    and a few small dog units

    lizardmen turn 1

    consisted of a general advance as nothing being in charge range

    the magic
    light lore master btw
    9 dice were rolled a 4 and a 5
    started by blasting a few magic missiles into the tomb guard my opponent dispelling the bigger of the two.

    not expecting combat i bubbled timewarp which was cast and nearly dispelled my opponent rolled 1 less than me.

    consisted of some burning of 2 dog units from salamanders and chamelions finish ing off the one unit leaving 3 in the other.

    VC turn 1
    the dogs attempted a charge to skink skirmishing unit
    who fled to pull the dogs away from my main line

    the 2 terror gheists moved to within 8 of a salamander unit
    the rest of the army inched forwards my opponet being carefull to keep out of my charge range average.

    vamprire raised some tomb guard to replace those lost and attempted wind of death but failed rolling 4 6's becalming cogitation saving the day again.

    the salamander unit got obliterated due to screams

    lizardmen turn 2
    charges declared via the templeguard and skrox vs one ghiest

    and my sarus block which held bth scar vets charged the other 1

    chamelions moved out of line of sight to the now visible vergahst while the bait skink unit moved to extreme range to force them to charge(dispite my opponet flying them sideways between a unit and the wood)
    the other skinks rallied and the last salamander unit moved to burn the last of the dogs the big units being too far away

    rolled 11 dice
    begain with int ws one on the sarus which he let through
    then did -1 to hit on the same unit

    then tryed the skink harmonic convergence which was dispelled

    the slann then went to bubble time warp which my opponent scrolled

    the dogs were killed by the sallies
    and some pot shts from the bait skink unit took 1 wound off the vergahst unit

    the temple guard and skrox unit killed the ghiest causing the last wound on combat res fortunatly my opponent rolled 1 for stomping

    the scarvets killed the ghiest with 1 wound from the sarus unit

    (at this point i did not know about not being able to carry through a undead unit killed in combat and consolidated leaving the saurus in abad bad place)

    vampire count turn 2
    a horde ghoul formation charged the front of my sarus block a grave guard unit in the flank and the skelly unit in the other flank fortunatly to the vampire count was out of base contact inorder to get the tomb guard unit in .

    the vergahst charged the bait skink unit who caused 1 more wound with stand and shoot
    the cube of darkenss rolled a 5 when he attempted to cast wind of death all good :)

    the bait unit got chomped as one would expect

    the saurus unit looked in trouble but the initiv boost helped the unit and 1 sacr veteran cause 11 wounds manly on the skelly unit

    a challenge between a sacr vet and a baby vamp ended with the vamp dead and 1 wound on the scar vet
    and i took 7 wounds in total -1 to hit and ws 10 is sick the banner of the barrows on grave guard caused 6

    when combat settled i had won by 1 (this is the point i realized just how powerfull light magic is)

    turn 3 lizardmen
    temple gaurd into the rear of the grave guard skrox into the side of the ghouls

    the chamelions moved to the flank and short range of the vergahst and sallies ran to get nearer the rest of the army should they be needed (may have started them too far on 1 flank)

    rolled 9 dice
    manged to get bubbled time warp and ws 10 int 10 on the saurus unit

    had the -1 to hit dispelled

    2 wounds caused on verghast by chams leaving 2 in the unit

    this one was messy i dont quite remember the exact order but 8 skinks and 10 sarus died
    the vampire count now in combat challenged which the sarus unit champion accepted and rpromtley caused 11 wounds on the poor lizard (thankfully only 6 counted)

    the temple guard obliterated 18 or so of the grave guard and 17 skellies fell to the saurus the krox and skink unit claimed 6 ghouls

    combat res counted up
    18 wounds and 3 banners 1 flank for him

    41 wounds 3 banners 3 ranks a flank and a rear and a charge

    ended up 51 for me 24 for him with plus 27 comba res the units died due to crumbling

    (once again light magic is sick)

    i reformed the units to face the now 2 vergalf left on the feild

    vampire count turn 3
    the vergast manged not to loose any one to crumbling but had to charge the temple guard due to frenzy
    .... they got squashed

    result masacre for the lizardemen :chicken:

    a few notes

    1st light magic is sick i normally take life i was asked not to in this game by a friend as its boring from now on im taking light
    life = survive combat
    light = win combat
    least imo

    2nd im not sure that was the best vampire list one can build and im certain putting the terror gheist infront of my units was abad plan

    3rd we both enjoyed the game and all the dice rolling in the large battle at the end was crazy some high points being the templeguard rolls, and the vampire count making red mist out of the sarus champion
  2. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    A couple of things jumped out at me.

    1) Skrox are unit type "Unique" due to combining infantry and monstrous infantry (per the FAQ) and are immune to Stomp/Thunderstomp. This is very important for their survival and viability in combat. They not only have the strength to kill monsters, but don't take that devastating hit back. The geist could still stomp the temple guard though.

    2) I may be a bit off on this, but I could swear I read that a unit destroyed by crumbling allowed an overrun (the decision was reversed in the last FAQ, but it may have been reveresed again since I last checked. Off to the FAQ I go!).

    Clarification: overrun is only allowed when the defeat by crumbling happens on the same turn in which the unit was charged.

    EDIT: found it in the BRB FAQ:

    Q: If a unit charges into combat and, on the turn it charges, the last
    of the enemy unit it is fighting are removed as casualties due to
    Daemonic Instability, the Unstable special rule, Cornered Rats or as
    a result of a War Machine failing its Break test, does the charging
    unit get to make an Overrun move? (p58).
    A: Yes.
  3. Animaux

    Animaux Member

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    yeah that stomp went on the templguard but he rolled a 1 so only 1 died
    i assume thats from the latest FaQ that would have been more useful not leaving my saurus unit stranded

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