Blog Greek themed Lizardmen (Dual Carno Gen and BSB update)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by ZaGreekie, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7!

    Ugh. Yet another example of a company not really "getting" how they should use social media. Well done, though!
  2. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7!

    Ahhh well! We all know that you're a winner! Yours looks much better, but that's the way the facebook cookie crumbles!
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Need advice page 5 please!)

    I hadn't checked the thread for ages so I just read from page 8 to the end all at once. As an example of art imitates life imitates art imitates moral bankrupcy may I remind you of page 6 of this thread:

    followed by:

    I guess we didn't consider the intellectual property thing going the other way.

    I think we can categorise GW as a necessary evil, but they make themselves very hard to love.


    Two things to remember:


    And another thing is that we are all one hundred percent behind you brother, giving all the cold blooded love (no hugs) we can muster!

    Conratulations on creating the best bit of real estate to be found on the Iberian Peninsula.

    Attached Files:

    Warden likes this.
  4. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Thanks mate!

    and it is true they are a bit of a necessary evil, the thing is we are all just to vested, at least me personally, im not going to go and try and learn a new table top game now, or stop buying models, i admit it.

    With the new lizardmen coming out soon this blood will pick up some speed again, i just needed a bit of a moral brake from lizardmen after the GW BS.

    I also got so caught up in everyone saying how i should have won gold that i forgot that i really did this because I PERSONALLY loved the project, and i cought myself getting angry when in reality i had a great time and really enjoyed the project and i will make more like this and expand this one. even if i do it just for me without entering it in any competitions.
  5. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7!

    Boy can I relate! After having been sucked into the Chapterhouse lawsuit and being deposed for 8 hours and then having to spend 2 days in Court in Chicago over my Croc-Ogres (Kroxigor proxy sculptures), I am also taking a bit of a moral break.

    Of course, rest assured, I plan to finish painting my Salamander sculpture just in time for the unit to be nerfed by the new book...

    At any rate, your Greek themed army looks amazing and I hope you can enjoy it, as I enjoy my sculptures, without thinking too much about GW's idiocy.
  6. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Ya, i really wish GW just tried to be a bit more lovable, because i really WANT to like them and enjoy there product, but they really make it harder and harder.
  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I could try drawing Ahkseptsamex, my representation of GW, with cute bunny ears for you. Who has ever heard of an evil rabbit?

    T`hinker`er, I had no idea you'd been burned like that. I hope you gave them plenty of lipp;)

    When I put the "you need me more" into that cartoon, I was putting the words into your mouth, ZaGreekie. Without masters like yourself and S`tinky to inspire and lead, their little hobby would still be little squares of cardboard. Try selling that to a cashed up 9 year old these days.
  8. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Honestly what i do does not compare at all to T'hinkers skills i wish i could sculpt like that, but thank you for the compliment none the less :)

    i think the community will start talking over the game again, with GW supporting less and less turnoments i think gamers will start to take it into there own hands, its happening alredy with turnoments like Waagh, where all models are aloud from any brand as long as they "fit" what they are ment to represent.
  9. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    I was just about to type the same compliment about my feeble tinkerings compared to yours. Thank you, and I shall try to remain worthy of such sentiments :oops:
  10. Skubzilla

    Skubzilla New Member

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    Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7!

    Goddam, you sir, are talented. This army is amazing, and I've favourited this page as this is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Whether you won first place or second or last, doesn't matter as this is truly a work of art. So ya thanks for sharing this and keep up the good work! You've inspired me to keep working on my army and for that I applaud you. Well Done, and sweet jesus this is impressive!! :smug:
  11. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7!

    Well after a few month brake from my Lizzards wile i was focusing on my Samuri Tau, which i hope to have my 2k point turnoment list finished in the next 2 weeks. i will be getting to work on my lizzards again with the new release!

    i have already pre orderd ... multiples of everything xD

    I think this edition i may be able to go back to my long loved list of No Slann and Saurus melee and monster heavy!!!!

    (i would like to say i know our slann is amazing but, i dont know i love saurus as evident from my army's on parade xD)
  12. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Got any pics of those tau? :p
  13. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Ill take some pics in a day or 2
  14. NzMidnight
    Jungle Swarm

    NzMidnight New Member

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    Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7!

    Hi there love the work, truly inspiring. I was just wondering how you painted these marvelous specimens. In particular the skinks and saurus If you don't mind sharing that is.
  15. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7!

    Well "shit just got real"

    I am returning to my Celler to start on my Greek lizardmen 2.0!

    its a enter new 2.5k of lizardmen currently new in box.

    i was thinking to start another army... but the fact is i just love lizards to much and i LOVE the new book have the limited edition sitting right next to me xD

    Currently infront of me in boxes are

    3x3 Rappirdactyles
    3x2 Taradons
    3x Skink cheif on Rappirdactyles

    (yes 50% of my army can be behind the enemy lines before they even have a single turn if i win the role for first turn :p)

    2 Mini Slanns (im converting 2 of the blot todes to be lvl1 preasts, but in the style of baby slanns floating on little Greek shields.

    For the new Hammers in my army:

    I liked my old saurus worriors, but as i only won second in the national armys on parade, i got really pissed off i felt i deserved first. but then a friend actually helped me a bit he asked me "did i do the best job i could have on my lizardmen" and the answer... NO....

    I got lazzy many times, and i feel my sarusu worriors was one of my lazzyest moments. so time for my redeptions.

    2 blocks of 30 6x5 with spears and sheilds in perfect tortoise formation!!!! with the spears sticking out between the cracks in the shields. Originaly I waanted to do the Phlanx but reality is becouse of the saurus spiked back it does not work because there is no way to have the second rank "pushing" there sheilds against the backs of the front rank.

    then. my new center peace!!!! my lord are on a cannonmagnet! i mean Carnosaur!

    So now i could use a bit of advice here and ideas!

    1) 2x30 Saurus i feel are Themed enough if they are in perfect formation with Greek shields and spears.

    2) But, how do i Greek theme Taradons & Rappierdactyls? (other then just giving them Greek shields)

    3) And most importantly how do i Greek theme a carno? (other then just giving the lord a Greek shield)

    As always thanks for all the help and feedback on the last project of the Armys on Parade and i could use all your advice again here!

    p.s. half of the people who see this army says it is compleatly broken overpowerd the other half say its totally shit, fact is I DON'T CARE! i have my unstoppable samurai tau if i want to crush the enemy and make no friends, but my lizards, they are the true love of my life and this list just feel perfect to me and i think it would be so much fun to play and look beautiful on the table.
    Warden likes this.
  16. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7!

    Hey sorry mate i did not see your message.

    Skinks where simple as hell, bleached bone skin, Red Gore scales, then agrax or sapia ink wash, i think agrax. then i just highlighted the skin a bit with ushabti bone and highlighted the scales with a bit of mephistone red.

    the skins where disigned to be as fast and simple to paint as posible or else as any lizardmen player will tell you... you go mad!

    Saurus where a bit more complicated and i think it was stupidly inefficient. i started with Rinohide brown, and started highlighting the skin, then painted the scales on the top of the sholders and along the crest of the back individualy with bleached bone, then i highlighted the ones are the very top of the sholders, then i painted the spikes along the back gore red, then i painted some random designes in gore red on the top of the head, then i highlighted the gore red disigne on the head and highlighted the brown on the head aswell,

    and for the metal, i painted it a dark gold, then gave it a wash of a turquoise color, and then a light drybrush of the gold mixed with a mud color to make it look like worn/oxidized bronze.

    As you can see in my earlier post im planing on painting another 60 Saurus, and i WILL NOT use this method, i dont know how i will do it yet tho, when i figure it out im sure ill put it up on this plog.
  17. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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  18. angrypearl

    angrypearl New Member

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    Just some ideas:
    1. Tortoise is a roman formation, and not greek. A little of anachronism doesn't hurt, but just making sure. Modern movies are no too accurate on that account since it looks too cool.

    2. Teradons (or Rippers) -- think of Stymphalian birds from the Hercules myths -- add some feathers of bronze that they will be dropping instead of the rocks. Another idea is to turn them into sirens -- female heads with lizard/bird bodies may woks

    3. I got nothing for carno, though.
  19. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    If you read earlier on in the post i explain how originaly i wanted to do the Phalanx, but because of the saurus anatomy it does not work as the rear rank would impale themselves on the back spikes of the rank infront of them xD. and as i am greek and studed greek history as a hobby, being historically accurate is important to me and it does pain me to use the tourtus, but unfortunetly its the only option i see that fits the saurus anatomy. also we did have a similer defencive formation it was just not as drilled and evolved as the roman one which in my humble patriotic opinion was a evolution from the Greek defensive formation which came some 500 years earlier.

    Stymphalian birds is BRILLIENT! i love the idea!!!! especially seeing as i have a really nice method of creating oxidized bronze which is all over all of my units. The syrin idea is really cool aswell but it pails in comparison to the Stymphalian birds thanks mate! also the more i read the lore on the Rappierdactles it kinda fits the Stymphalian bird quite well!!!
  20. angrypearl

    angrypearl New Member

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    Completely agree re the Roman strategies being a later development of the Greek's. Have you considered a possibility of filing the back spines down? I know is is a lot of work. Another idea is to give your saurus sarissa pikes -- you can have the 4th row resting them on shoulders of the first. That would be a sight! You might actually be able to pull it off since your converting skill by far outstrip mine from what I've seen

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