8th Ed. how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guard?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by NexS1, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    Except that GW seems to favor forces of destruction and Chaos in particular.
  2. Animaux

    Animaux Member

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    thats because we all know bad news sells and this is a war game if it was allways the foces of light winning the world would be farm ville etc

    i am glad that the chaod DE are over powered makes kikin there heads in so much sweeter

    (on a side note or slann may be one of the most overpowered models in the game)
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    But he is suposed to me the most powerfull wizard.
    also he has been steadily nerfed the last few editions,
    compaired to what he used to be the curent slans
    are all 5th generation.
    (1st & 2nd generation where the most powerfull)
  4. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    well ... they are a dying race fluffwise ... maybe its more litteral than it seems.
  5. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    Don't say that too loudly!
  6. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    Are there any Forces of Oder that aren't considered dying races?
  7. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    Does The Empire count as Forces of Order?
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    Beat me to it, the Brettonians aren't dying either (unless GW stops making them). I'd say the Dark Elves should be a dying race too. They have the same problems of slow Elven reproduction the other Elf groups have combined with a penchant for murdering each other.

    The Skaven might as well be dying, if they can't use their ludicrous numbers to take out the Empire after a plague kills 90% of the Empire off.

    The vampires couldn't topple the Empire in the middle of the worst civil war.

    Apparently the Warriors of Chaos and their various monsters don't have to eat much.

    Wow this thread went spiraling off topic and I'm not helping....
  9. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    Don't look to me to keep it on topic! I'm way too comfortable with going on a tangent!
  10. Taipan
    Temple Guard

    Taipan Member

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    They're not really that bad guys. A few key buffs and they'll scare plenty of things.

    Fixing their speed; A common problem across our units, a Light Slann can cast the AOE version of 'Speed of Light' and make them god-like in melee (along with nearby Saurus blocks). On top of that, it also protects against 'Sun' and 'Pit' nukes.

    Fixing their hitting power; Sometimes, S5 isn't enough. Shadow Slann brings the pain with 'Mindrazor', making them hurt even Necrosphinxes on 4's and everything else on 2's. Deployed 10 wide, you can blenderise a lot of units this way.

    Ideally, you'd have both Slann in the list, getting out 'Speed' AOE to catch both units of TG at once, and putting 'Mindrazor' onto the unit that needs it more. In smaller games, pick the Lore that best suits the situation. Some games you might need to fight slow but hitty monsters (thus go Shadow), but in another match fight Elves (in which case the WS10 from 'Speed' is very helpful).

    The other main buff you should apply is the EOTG 'Warding' mode. 5+ ward save on top of their already excellent armour and T4 gets really annoying for the enemy Shooting phase. Again, like with 'Speed', good positioning can mean you are shielding both units of TG (and possibly supporting Saurus blocks too). Amusingly, this can also protect the Ancient Steg from cannonball sniping, as you have multiple opportunities to roll a 5+ ward against the shot as it goes through your blocks.

    Other than that, do standard positioning and baiting to make combats favourable. S5 is pretty good, and their average stats can be made up for with spells at key moments.
  11. Reddogfish

    Reddogfish New Member

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    Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar

    damn you lizards... spoilt for choice and you still whinge... lol... I am a skaven player... do you know what it is like to have the option of 2 spell lores that arent really that customisable?

    Why dont you try every lore and go through the at least 2 games with each to find the one most suited to your play style... I would give anything to have the option to take shadow or light or life...

  12. Acorn Lord

    Acorn Lord Member

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    I have to agree with @Stonecutter. There are two ways to run temple guard, horde style or small bunker. Without being a horde, the TG lose too many attacks to go head on against most units. So if you want your TG to be good in combat you need a horde. The small bunker is just to keep the slann safe and maybe support our other units.

    On the topic of warriors of chaos, I find that TG are about equal for less cost (however, I have only played against tzeench and khorne Warriors). The only difference between them is WS and I. I have two examples.

    1. A horde of 40 tzeench Warriors (3+ armor 5+ ward) charge my 50 strong TG horde with a light slann. I lose first combat by about 3 and hold. Second round I have phas protection so -1 to hit and win combat by about 5-6 but warriors manage to hold. 3rd round I win by 1-2 with no buffs, Warriors hold. Round 4, I get speed of light, 10WS 10I, and straight up massacre the Warriors causing them to break on double 1s. I still had around 25ish TG in the end.

    2. A horde of 60 TG with a beasts slann gets charged by 30 khorne Warriors and 15 khorne Knights. I get wyssans and curse off and Win combat, the Warriors held but the Knights fled. Next round I get flanked by Belakor and hit by withering and take a real beating. The chaos Knights charge back in but withering is gone and I have wyssans. I win combat but nobody breaks. The only thing left standing at the end of that combat was 4 Warriors and a very wounded Belakor. (I played this game about a year ago so my memory is hazy).

    IMO temple guard are extremely good for their cost, especially with a slann.
  13. Acorn Lord

    Acorn Lord Member

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    Also, a beast slann might be your answer. Has good unit buff. Has a good hex. Spear ignores armor of skullcrushers. And flock of doom is actually pretty good at clearing out stuff like war hounds and annoying chaff. Character buffs can be used on nearby Cowboys or even your slann. Try not to get impenetrable pelt (can be useful at times though) or transformation (terrible for slann!)
  14. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    We have a thread necromancer in our midst!!

    Yes excellent points. I've typically always ran 26 TG as a minimum, more if I can spare it. And usually always with a Slann. I've always favored the Light or Life Slann, but that really depends on your playstyle. I've seen Beasts used to great success.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Just be wary of the Temple Guard's greatest enemy... the Slann himself (miscasts).
    I like Loremaster High Magic myself. Can't beat that level of versatility in my estimation. There are lots of great options for the Slann though, I think many lores can be made to work with clever usage.

    Of course if you want the ultimate use out of the the Temple Guard, you can't beat a Kroak list. Unbreakable and -1 to hit really boost the unit. Plus Kroak is very unlikely to take them out via miscast.
    discomute, Acorn Lord and Qupakoco like this.
  16. Quinn

    Quinn New Member

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    I'm 8 years late, but I can sympathize for mr. NexS1, I too have had huge failures with temple guard which make me not want to use temple guard ever again. The conclusion that I have come up with is that they are so annoying to get in the right combat! They're slow, and expensive, so they are hard to get into the right combat and in the wrong combat their low I can make them drop like flies while their opponent barely takes damage! That said, if you can maneuver them, they are quite good

    Again, sorry for the lateness, I hope you are all still alive.;)

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