Hi all, from my name you should be able to tell I also use the unnatural spawn of the horned rat. I am a former 40K/Fantasy player returning to the game now that my 9 year old son has an interest in it. I haven't played fantasy since 3rd edition, so I am completely flabbergasted by all of the changes, both basic rules and armies. Although I love my skaven and my green-skins, I have decided since I need to learn the rules all over again, why not try a new army. Lizards were the next army I had planned to build, after I had completed my Orcs and Gobos. So, here I go: and I thought I should probably join a good Lizard forum to make sure I was doing things right. So thank you in advance for your wisdom and advice that the Old Ones bestowed upon you.
First: Nice having you here! Second: DONT BUY ANYTHING YET! If you dont know: Rumour has it that we will get a new Army Book Early August ! would be a shame if you bought a book that dies out in less than 2 weeks
I agree with the above. But if you're going to buy something, get some regular saurus. 99% positive they won't nerf them. You never know, they might even buff them. But welcome... To Lustria.