8th Ed. New Lizardman army book and info

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rikard, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Ok I tried to clean up that strange greenish color on all the screen shots....


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  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Great work. I didn't really notice it before, but they are much clearer.

    The Bastilidon appears to have two different builds. Hopefully that will be easy to mod so that they can both be used.

    The terradons appear to be carrying some sort of flame weapon as well as a weighted ball (bomb) of some type.

    I have always felt that the terradon needed more than one drop rocks attack.
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Immensely better looking pics!

    Yeah, those little flaming weapons look kinda neat. I was thinking they were flags on weapons or something at first, kind of like a Brettonian Lance. Flaming rocks are way cooler. Maybe it will be a highly caustic flame that acts like a poison wind globadier attack that always wounds on a 5+ with no armor. I'd be ok with that. Complete guess on that part.

    Can't wait to read the new book though! I'm super curious what got buffed, what got nerfed, and what stayed the same. I predict Saurus stay the same, Salamander nerfed, Krox buffed. Of course Terradons buffed too to help them sell.
  4. jg0124

    jg0124 New Member

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    I think the troglodon shoots acid. And one of the weapon options for the bastilidon fires heated up pissed off snakes.
  5. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Could troglodon be the 1st Sea Creature (or what the Special rule was called) in the game?
  6. MI_Tiger
    Temple Guard

    MI_Tiger Member

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    Could the "snake shooter" build of the Bastiladon (hate the new names), be something that creates Jungle Swarms on the battlefield? Swarms might be useful if you didn't have to pay for them.

    I really hope it doesn't actually shoot snakes at range - I have visions of a reptilian Sharknado tearing across the battlefield...
  7. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    No it does not actually shoot snakes. The snakes are in a stone pit, the skinks use fire to heat up the stone and snakes get pissed, spilling out through the openings, attacking whatever they can. It will either spawn jungle swarms around it, or (as I am more inclined to believe) provide some kind of combat bonus. Perhaps additional 2D6 poison attacks at S2 or something? Or maybe -1 for enemies to hit as they try to dodge and kill the snakes? To me that makes sense to have one configuration that is ranged attack (Solar Engine) and one that provides combat bonuses (Ark of Sotek).

    Those are just my thoughts though, I should find out more either tomorrow or Thursday at the latest.
  8. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    I'm really cautious about the flaming Terradons. If its just Flaming Slingshots, they won't be useful except in large numbers, and then they'll die in droves. Hope they get some sort of USR though.

    It looks like the Ripper riders definately have shields, so they'll be at least 5+ armour save...

    Actually, eppe has inspired me. If they're suprisingly any good, I might try an MSU style list too. Ride of the Valkyries! Death from Above!.
  9. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    ^^ Heck yeah. I can see flyer lists making a big showing.

    Someone please tell me I'm crazy for thinking that "Ripper"-dactyls is a play on the word "Terr"-adon, as in "I'm ripping and tearing this piece of paper in half." That would just be awful.
  10. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    Has anyone here been able to get their hands on an actual copy of the white dwarf issue to read the battle report and speculate on some rule or equipment changes? I know I will get to see it either tomorrow or Thursday but at this point I have zero patience haha!
  11. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Cheers n810, now if I can. just. read. the writing!!

    I find myself doing a u-turn over the Rippers: their weird-looking faces give it such a crazed look I love the idea of them harassing the enemy. Also liking the idea of a super Terradon squad raining down boulders and firey death, will just need to wait to see the rules before I can decide. Hurry up!!
  12. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    If you do, you must tell us everything ;)
  13. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Well, I think I'll put in my 2 cents here too, now that we have something substantive to talk about and look at. My initial impression is disappointment in the fact that the White Dwarf does not mention our troops! Given that the new book is coming out in just a few weeks, we can safely assume that there is no "part II" to this, where our rank and file are featured. I was really hoping for at least one new infantry option. I'll wait until I see the new book, but I'm really hoping that we see some improved stats/lower costs/new abilities in our basic core infantry. This is at least hinted at with the different colored crests on the Skinks shown. Some of us don't like playing a monster-oriented army. Sure, it can be a nice option, but it's repetitious and as already said by others, with the cannon rules the way they are, it's usually a poor strategy. I really miss MSU...

    I have to wonder at what, if anything, will happen to our existing troops. I'm concerned that Krox and Skrox options will be gone from the game. Just a hunch mind you, but given that GW lost the argument against the Croc-Ogres in court, I have been imagining that they will just say to heck with it and kill the competition by excluding the troop type altogether. Hopefully just a paranoid delusion on my part... I'd rather find out that the Krox rules have been fixed so that they are viable not only as a Skrox unit but also by themselves in units of 6 and 9.

    I'm also curious as to whether we still have chameleons anymore. Seems unlikely that GW would not mention certain troop types at all in WD. Equally, I'm concerned that WD makes no mention at all of Salamanders and Razordons. We are all expecting the Sallie to get a nerf, but with all these new monsters would they really leave the old ones in place? Is WD marketed just to existing players? I would think that if the goal was to generate excitement about a new army and build the fan base, some brief mention of the other parts of the LM army would be made somewhere. Call me crazy, but these are my primary concerns.

    Now, on to the new models:

    Carnosaur - I personally didn't like the old one (and hate "finecast"), so this plastic kit seems like an improvement. Not psyched about the cost (holy cow!), but if it's really well designed (rules-wise) it will be worth buying. Kroc-Gar seems the most impressive configuration, which I'd use for the generic Old Blood since my group doesn't generally allow special characters in games. I am bummed that they made all 4 options for building it use the same hind legs. That's incredibly boring.

    P.S., The fact that a Scar Vet can ride one could be very cool, however does this mean that the horned one is gone? I was sculpting one, so I hope not...

    Troglodon - I like the weirdness of this model. If it's useful, I could see owning one. Again, bummed that it uses the exact same hind legs and pose as all the other Carnosaur builds.

    Bastiladon - great looking dino, and glad to see an Anklosaurus in our ranks! The howdahs (solar engine/ark of sotek) however, look like crap. Very awkwardly stuck on. What a pity. The snake shooter especially...god awful! Sounds like something goblins or skaven would invent and has no place in our army, IMO. Not to mention, again, how bad the models look with those poorly conceived howdahs. I am hoping, against all hope, that I can field a Bastard-don without anything on its back. Yeah, good luck with that...

    Terradons - I liked the new heads and the rock carrying models are long overdue and look o.k. to me, but I am not a fan of the new wing design at all. I am hoping that they look better from some other angle. They remind me of butterflies. Skink Chief and Tic-taq-toe variations are o.k., but only if the underlying terradon is nice looking. Probably a pass, and stick with the older models.

    Ripperdactyls - did someone at the Studio have a brain fart? This has to be the dumbest unit name in the history of Warhammer! :( I do like the way they look, and hopefully they will have a use taking out enemy cannons so that all these other monsters have a chance to do something other than die (see above, also also this feeds into my speculation that Chameleons will be gone). But that name! I will have to just call them "rippers" and leave it at that.

    Tetto-ekko - very nice, much needed. Blurry picture, so I am not going to critique the model, other than to say that the conversions I've seen here have been pretty damn spectacular, so this had better be a fantastic model, or I will just make my own as others have done.

    Skink High Priest - love this figure, it's a must-have, but for the $20 price tag. Seriously? $20 for a single small figure??? I'll wait for some to pop up on eBay, thanks! I cannot condone, participate in or encourage such thievery with my wallet.

    Gor-Rok - looks like a gorilla, not a fan. Methinks GW is trying to compete with Avatars of War here. It's just not working for me though. I'll have to see a few more examples, maybe better painted, but even still, it's so easy to convert a decent looking Old Blood on foot and make it look better than this. Pass.

    My 2 cents.
  14. eppe

    eppe Member

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    T`hinker`er pretty sure they mentioned the Razordon in the video that the pics were taken from. They skipped over it though because there was nothing new. I don't recall hearing them talk about the Salamander though.
  15. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Is there slanns anymore in the new book or are they deleted as Ctans from Necrons book?
  16. nzdino

    nzdino New Member

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    I don't know if this is a repost but the bastiladon can be made into either a solar engine or an ark of sotek . I don't know what they do though
  17. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Is there a link to that video? I did a youtube search but found nothing.

    I think the Ark of Sotek will be the snake shooter-thingy. Again, not sure about that.
  18. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    The part we care about begins at minute 37.

    I didn't hear any mention of the Razordon or Sallie, but then again those guys were hard to listen to. They didn't know much about WHFB (more of a 40K show to be sure), and were rambling on without a script. If you find a mention of Sallies and Razonrdons give us the minute count of that, thanks!
  19. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Going by the last couple of editions, WD only bothers to show new models $$$. :meh:
    and they rarely get rid of something unless there is something more expensive to replace it with.
  20. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    The video glossed over the Rare page featured in WD and it mentioned another Hunting Pack in addition to the Razordon, they just didn't mention the name 'Salamander'. Unless there's a surprise new hunting pack not featured in WD I think it's safe to assume the Salamander will still be in there.

    Either way, as n810 said, they're going to be just focused on the new, pricey kits so I'm not surprised about the lack of news for older units.

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