I guess I am late to the new Lizard book party! There is certainly a lot of interesting stuff there. Ironically, it was my Lizardman army that provided all sorts of opportunities to scratch build things, such as the Engines of the Gods and the terradons. The Tetto Eko figure (finally making one, I see) looks nice, but I will be keeping my own: I also see that it is finecast, so that is another reason I will stick with my own Baby Babo! This is a figure that I made for my own army a few years ago. There are more images here: http://wappellious.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-rise-of-lustria.html
Infinitely nicer that the GW model we're seeing in the new WD! Your painting is phenomenal too! Did you use an airbrush for any of this?
Always glad to see posts from you! I agree that yours will be better than the one that GW makes. Most Tetto conversions look great anyway.
wooooooah, please do! Your tettoeko is amazing. I absolutely love your freehand space murals. That's what tettoeko was all about, after all.
This guy was so fun to make! It fit very well into the theme of my army at the time, which was all about the skinks! Engines of the gods, lots of terradons, and so on. The spacescapes were all done with standard brushes. I used to work with an airbrush years ago when I was doing space paintings, but I stopped using one years ago. I don't know if I ever posted the final images of those engines of the gods here, so I will try to do that! @Rikard: What did you have in mind ?
I may (translation: I do) have a resin cast of the Oxayotl sculpt in my avatar if that grabs your fancy?