7th Ed. Army Name

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Jvmock, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. Jvmock

    Jvmock New Member

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    I dunno if this is weird but i have a few orcs here and there i was painting(on the side also i am a Lizardmen first and formost) and i was thinking of a clan for my orcs then that got me to thinking about a name for my Lizardmen army.

    Now lizardmen arent really clans they are just armys for the temple city if i read that correctly. But do you guys have certain names for your lizardmen army. Cause I was trying to think of a good name for my army but i thougth of a few good names i think. Also i was kinda bored today and painted half my Saurus warriors silver(the little detail parts/weapons) so i have a silver block and gold block now.

    So if you name your army whats there names? And do you guys paint your blocks differently or all the same?
  2. Fall3n_Ang3l
    Jungle Swarm

    Fall3n_Ang3l New Member

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    i have painted units of my skinks different shades and colours as well as tried variations for heros and critters. mostly for testing new things.

    even tho some look different it kinda ties it in cause its like the different spawning pools and what coulour they give.

    as for the naming of the army. i have no idea never really done it for my lizzies. i dont feel the need to name them as i think names hav no place in temple cities. everyone knows their place and goes about their business.

    its kinda like everyone (bar the slann adn awsome who would have names, the only exeption) is a number. even possibly the saurus heros wouldnt cause they would know that being the oldest at the time, he knows he is the battlefield general and is not formally asked to do this he instinvtivly does it in the name of the old ones.

    awell thats how i c it i guess. lol wat bout u?
  3. Jvmock

    Jvmock New Member

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    Yeah the spawning pool thing makes sense cause they do come from different ones so each grp may be different even if its only a few things.

    Yeah after i put the post up i was actually thinking around the same that they dont really seem to need a name the army is just there to serve. Only a few of the very old Lizardmen and slaan may even have names. I was just thinking about naming my Army cause i was sitting there like ok i have a gold Legion and a silver legion. Then just kinda popped in my head if i should name them. If i think of a good enough name for the army ill probably do that tho but im trying to tie it in with the spawning pools temple citys and such.

    Im still curious too see if anyone has named there armys and how they thought of the name and all though.
  4. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    A good way of understanding how individuals and armies are tied to their specific temple-cities (and Old-Ones' ruins) is to look at the names generated by the program offered on the GW website.


    As far as the official fluff goes, every individual has a name, although they themselves may not be the ones who choose their names. The more communal species in a temple-city, such as the skinks, generally all seem to have names. The less intelligent species, such as Saurus and Kroxigors, appear to be given names by the Skinks and Slann. Names appear to speak to the nature of the individual, meaning that Saurus often have names with militaristic or violent connotations.

    Just as an individual is named for their location and their role, so too are armies named. You will see in the fluff armies referred to as the Host of ___, and if they have a specific role they will be given an additional descriptor. For example, Sacred Hosts will have the name of their patron god attached to the armies name, while any specific prophecy or task to be fulfilled by the army will be alluded to. It is not unknown for a single host to be drawn from multiple cities, as the portals (cough...stargate...cough) allow for instantaneous transport for mustering large armies in otherwise isolated areas.

    As far as various colors go, Saurus and skinks of a single spawning will have a similar appearance. As a spawning may only amount to a single regiment or an entire army, you can have general freedom in how you paint your army. Keep in mind that unless an army is from a single spawning destined for a specific purpose, there is generally mention in the fluff of various spawnings making up one army (as seen in the 5th edition fluff).
  5. Jvmock

    Jvmock New Member

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    Hmm that actually makes alot of sense for some reason.
  6. montaa
    Jungle Swarm

    montaa New Member

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    Plus each of the name chars has a story and name associated with them. The name escpaes me, but the old blood riding the carnosaur is fairly famous for a Saurus.
  7. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Kroq-gar is an interesting exception to the standard rule because of his background. While most heroes are associated with a specific location, Kroq-gar's temple city was destroyed during the first coming of Chaos. As such, the only real addition to his name is that of Scar-Leader (perhaps a rank above an Old-Blood).

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