8th Ed. Lizardmen vs. Empire (800 pts skirmish)

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Raptorclaw, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. Raptorclaw
    Jungle Swarm

    Raptorclaw New Member

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    I'm sorry, but I have no pictures. :(
    It started off with me being a bit confident, deployed first, and won the roll for first turn. My confidence wasn't even dented by the two mortars and cannon. I had a unit of 14 skinks with a brave, a unit of salamanders, and a unit of 29 saurus. I also had a oldblood, and a skink priest. The salamanders were ont he left, saurus in the middle, and the skinks as the right flank.
    It started with me advancing on Marcus's army (opponent's name) and getting lucky with the mortars missing, and the cannon only taking one saurus casualty. My skinks failed to do much, and no lick with the salamanders. But my priest called on the comet of cassandora on the higher version, which was spared disspelling by a one. The rest of the battle went on, with not much interesting, apart from the fact that my priest nearly died. The comet came down when my unit of saurus were 4 inches away from the comet. The unit was decimated, the empire units within 11" destroyed (I really got an 11" range!). I felt lucks, even though my salamanders were dead, the skinks barely survived, and the saurus with only a rank and a bit left. We counted it as a win for me, because of the devastation caused.
    I was happy. :)
    Marcus was still telling tales of the comet a few weeks later.
  2. Bronzebeard
    Jungle Swarm

    Bronzebeard New Member

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    the comet is a powerfull spell, i won my match against Dwarf 1100pts, killed ca 10 wariors, 11 gunners and a canon,and 8 greybeards

    a fantastic spell, i scored a 10" shoot XD
  3. Hasnat
    Chameleon Skink

    Hasnat New Member

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    The Comet is really good for messing up your opponent's moving. They have to avoid the Comet or die.
  4. Raptorclaw
    Jungle Swarm

    Raptorclaw New Member

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    Pretty much the same again. At Warhammer School's League I was matched up against a player who was using dwarves. He had a pretty strong gunline, all on a tiny hill, and had two other small warrior units nearby. His miners did not appear on the field. I deployed behind a hill with my saurus, skinks, and salamanders and cast the comet again on the higher version. He failed to dispell it, and I placed the counter above the heavily fortified hill. The comet came down eventually after 7 turns (!) and the counter was on 14. i killed everything in the one magic phase in which the comet came down with the exception of the miners, which had stupidly charged my saurus. The combat phase of that turn was the last. 2D6 +14 S10 hits are absolutely OP. :p

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