8th Ed. The new book: Everything in one place! [Out of date!]

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by GCPD, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    If you are reading this then STOP. Check out this excellent summary thread by Divinor, as it is much more up to date and better organised.

    Since the other topic is growing rapidly with all the info spread out across multiple topics, I thought I'd repost it all here for convenience sake.

    I'll keep updating this post as more comes out.

    Better pics: http://raffazza.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/new-better-lizardmen-pictures.html?spref=tw

    From Bell of Lost Souls:


    Our very own stormtruperTK41

    Clarification: The Necrosphinx supposedly hit 4 times but failed to wound. Given that it is only strength 5 outside of its special strength 10 attack (which we can assume to miss), and the Bastiladon is rumoured to be toughness 5, I don't think we should read too much into this, sadly.

    From http://raffazza.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/lizardmen-rumours-part-5-rumour-round-up.html?spref=tw

    From Mortix on Warseer (Most of this we already know, I've highlighted what seems new):

    From my own reading of the White Dwarf:

    • -There seems to be no indication that Spawnings are making a return, as the GW painting team indicate that this was purely an aesthetic choice when painting the minatures.
      -Skink Chiefs are 40 points. They can ride Terradons for 35 and Ripperdactyls for 40 (Given that Terradons used to be the same price for the mount as the unit, I think we can safely assume these new points values for the unit also). Chief weapon options have dropped by 25-50%.
      -Scar-Vets have dropped by 5. Cold One mounts are still 20. Light armour and shields appear to have gone up by one point each but other equipment remains the same.
      -Carnosaurs have two types of upgrades available: one for 15 and the other 25. Its unclear what these are, though it may be Lunging Strike and Bloodroar, respectively.
      -Skink Priests have a new special rule and have lost Channelling. The wording is unclear but it looks like "Arcance Vassal." I'd suspect its similar to Channelling anyway. They can indeed take Beasts. Same points costs. May be mounted on an Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods (and only that).
      -BSBs as before, with the Slann still being able to be BSB and General.
      -Terradons and Rippers are both strength 4 toughness 3, though Rippers have a slightler better initiative (3). Otherwise they seem identical to current Terradons.
      -Salamanders have gone up by 5 but no other changes (they have Spout Flame but it doesn't say what it does).
      -Razordons down by 10. They have gained the special rule "Impenetrable Defence" as well as retaining "Shoot Barbs." Again, this rules aren't explained.
      -Ancient Stegadon unchanged stat and ruleswise: "Unless taken as a mount for a Skink Chief, may replace Giant Blowpipes with Engine of the Gods" for 50 points. Base cost down by 45. The crew have no T/W values so I assume they can't be targetted seperately!
      -Skink Oracles have Arcane Vassal like the Priests. They don't have a T/W value so I assume you use that of the Troglodon, like Chariots! 4+ Scaly Skin and cause Terror. The Oracle may take a Divining Rod for 15 points but no rules given.

    From Sineater on Warseer:

  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place!

    In that link you posted, I definitely see some Saurus with Orange highlights. Looks like a Sacred Spawning of Chotec to me....

    Thanks GCPD!
  3. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place!

    Good idea! Cheers GCPD :)

    Loving these new pictures:
    I like the scale detail on the Basti', although still not a fan of the tiara on the Solar one. The look of the Sotek Ark is more convincing now I can see it in detail too.

    I like the arm-shield detail on the Skink Chief (?), and Tiqtaq'to looks lovely and menacing in his new helmet; it's almost alien-like? Actually quite like the Ripperdon!

    The Carnosaur looks MUCH better in these clearer versions too, especially face-to-face to the Slaughterbrute which looks...less so.

    I really like the High Skink Priest, I think his model looks awesome! Tiqtaq'to looks lovely and menacing in his new helmet too.

    Loving Kroq-Ggars robo hand!

    I think everything in there is looking lush, even Gor-Rok and Tetto'eko, even if I still won't buy them.
  4. Maazie
    Cold One

    Maazie Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place!

    So long waiting.... Thank the Gods it's finally coming! =P

    Love the New Dinos!
  5. Mahtis
    Cold One

    Mahtis New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place!

    I'm so excited that we finally have some news on what's coming, and I'm liking everything! A bit sad that there is no carnosaur cavalry, but then again it would have been against the fluff (and the price of such unit would be too damn high!) The ripperdactyls look sweet, hope their T is at least 4 and 3+ as, or it won't survive to battle. Still pretty optimistic of them, 2 attacks plus 1 (of d3+1) from frenzy, armor piercing and killing blow (perhaps predatory fighters) would kill many tough infrantry (beware chaos warriors!) Oh, hope the skinks riding the things can do something nice too... :D
  6. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    ... That Trogolodon ain't half bad for a round 200 points, although I'd be concerned if it doesn't come with a decent save. At last, something with the Aquatic rule! Sad that there's no other buff besides the Predatory Fighters 5+ one.

    If the Ripperdactyls get re-rolls to hit against their target unit, then a pack (flock?) of 4 might not be bad assassins.
  7. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    well 3 atacks for trologodon is really really bad :/ he will be good only for one round of combat when he does acid spit 2d6 hits i guess and thats it as spits are one use only. then you will keep him for 5+ predatory if thats not one use only if it is its hard to think i will use him for 200 points.
  8. KillerK

    KillerK Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    Thans for the effort, a real time saver.
  9. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    Agreed. I assumed that the intention was for this to be the ranged variant of the carnosaur. Is the spit only in combat?
  10. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    not only in combat but i think its more usable in combat that is 2d6 rather than template.
    Atleast what i would do if we had this earlyer i would use it in CC where oponent doesnt have steaqdfast so i could brake him easaly. For templates salamanders are gold, well atleast i hope they didint change the rules but only give them higher price.
  11. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    Oh and i would like to know what is this regadon? :D it is spoken of near the ancient stegadon
  12. Pofadder
    Cold One

    Pofadder Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    Awesome, thanks for all the effort of getting the info posted.

    I am really excited about what I am reading, seems like Rippers may be pretty good after all despite my reservations, especiallly backed up by High magic and / or Beasts. Thus far I am sold on them...

    Trogladon needs to have decent protection / sustainable buffing else 200 points seems a bit steep for a one trick pony. Especially with how expensive that kit is...$100 is over R1000 for me:(

    Still have high hopes for Bastilladon...looks like a tough bastard :D and moar buffs yes please...Definitely getting one or 2 of those models!

    Carnosaurs will need a better statline and defense or I do not know if I will buy the model (it looks really awesome) but in today's game a monstrous mount gets killed under its rider in one turn by other lords heroes/ monsters / units with Mindrazor etc.

    Saying that I really really really hope they do Carnie justice because I would love to field an OB and Scar-vet on them in a game :D

    Most other information seems to be heading to a strong release for Lizardmen!
  13. Clarkarias

    Clarkarias Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    Regadon = Regular Stegadon.
  14. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    I believe all the flying models make 3 models a piece for that price.
  15. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    Yea, that is what I figured as well. From the looks of them, it may be possible to use some small magnets to modify them to allow for the switching of wings and heads to use them as either/or. Not sure though.

    If I buy any of them, it will be one set that will be used to make the rippers. I will use my old terradons for the regular ones.
  16. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    Ah so its a breath weapon? Cool I missed that. Where did you see it?

    Updated the first page with a post from Warseer. Only two new things that I could see: Forest-Strider on Terradons - although now I see that they always had that. I'm sure that's come up in a game... It appears, however, that Rippers don't get this.

    Skink Chiefs can take Rippers as mounts. To me this seems like a great character-killing combination with the Killing Blow. Run the Skink in with a decent save or Ward, challenge something out, then let the Ripper do its work. This may actually be the best use of Rippers so far, especially if they are chasing down Third Eye Disc characters. I wonder if only Ripper units get the Toads or mounts will, too?
  17. Why

    Why New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    I'm hoping the troglodon has better rules then what I am seeing now, because I really love that model!
    Rippers seem interesting, but I'm not too fond of the models. Maybe I can convert something...
    I'm hoping the scar vet carnos are cheap enough to take twice in 2500 points.

    Any news on sacred spawnings other than some weird paint jobs?
  18. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    Nothing according to the White Dwarf. Sadly I don't think its in, guys.
  19. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    Thanks for pulling it all together.

    I agree monsters with T5 or less aren't all that great in todays meta. Lots of stuff with S5 or S6 which is gonna cut appart those pricey monsters fast.

    Still, judgement reserved until the books out. $100 is alot for a carn/tron I'll try and find some way to stretch it into two models.
  20. Divinor
    Cold One

    Divinor Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07]

    GCPD, thanks for consolidating all the info!


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