8th Ed. New Lizardman army book and info

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rikard, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Didymus
    Chameleon Skink

    Didymus Active Member

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    I'm feeling rather stupid for asking this (been ages since I played Lizardmen), but didn't predatory fighter mean you only got one attack from the second rank (before 8th edition mad eit like that anyway)? Or how does the rule work now?
  2. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I can't exactly remember the old version, but the current iteration is an extra attack on when scoring a 6+ on To Hit. I don't remember it being relegated to secondary rank only, though it's probably best if someone esle can confirm this?
    As far as I'm aware the second rank may still be only be able to make one supporting attack, with front rank saurus (assuming they get Predatory Fighter) benefitting.
  3. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    didnt even cross my mind that supporting attacks might not benefit from PF .....sucks if they dont...
  4. Didymus
    Chameleon Skink

    Didymus Active Member

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    I think i'm sowing a bit of confusion here :p I doubt it wouldn't affect supporting attacks, I'm just stuck with the old PF rule from 7th or even 6th edition.
  5. Animaux

    Animaux Member

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    the previous itteration used to say sarus had 2 attacks but one was abite attack at users strength which applyed only if the model was in base to base with the enermy but at the time all it meant was spears got 1 attack not 2
  6. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Have anyone speculated in what could provide synergies with High Magic ?

    HE have the "walk between worlds" + Flamespyre Phoenix "fly over = damage" combo.

    I wonder if the Bastilodons Arch of Sotek is a movement triggered snake-bite engine.

    Beside Hand of Glory I dont see much that actually speaks to Lizardmen...it still seems very Elvish..unless there is a variation in spells.
  7. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    We already know that we get a different lore attribute to High Magic, might be, we get other changes as well to the actual spells.

    I think a reason we get a version of high magic instead of a whole new lore is that High Magic is compatible with warhammer already and they don't need to make any erratas to i.e. Storm of Magic.

    1 more week and we'll know.
  8. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    With high magic I look forward to hand of glory since getting ALL the attribute boosts where we need them for only 10+ is great, walk between worlds to take our big monsters and swing them around the flank of a unit where they would do best, and dispel magic. I play a lot of ogres and vampires so now if I need to I can let them get off their stupid buffs and get rid of them in my phase if I need to.
  9. Pofadder
    Cold One

    Pofadder Member

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    I think the lore of High magic by its composition synergizes well with LM. And the spells are in general rather cheap to cast as well :D Drain magic is situatiional, but want to remove Mindrazor from those witch elves to protect our dinos? no problem!! or a hex on our own unit.

    Apotheosis is a no-brainer...LM has enough dinos and multi-wound models which can use healing of 1 wound or D3 wounds

    Hand of Glory is super awesome on extended version being the opposite of Melkoths. Actually this spell means more to LM than HE in my opinion.

    Walk between worlds affects terradon drop rocks? Except for that setting up a flank or rear charge next turn via some extra sneaky movement or placing a crucial redirector or need fanatics or manglers put in their place by an ethereal unit? use walk between worlds...

    Tempest is okay as an hex against melee or shooty troops and like iceshard against non BS shooters with the 4+ to shoot. The strength 3 hits can be useful against elves, humies etc.

    Arcane unforging is situational but good against fighty heroes or lords with good armor saves..

    Fiery convocation will make toughness 4 and below troops sweat a bit at 19+ its a difficult RIP to dispel as well.

    And the lore has 2 signature spells, thus plays well with our lore attribute contemplations ( can tackle any situation really then forget and regenerate to get another spell)

    Well I like the lore :D

    Edit: Storm was quicker on the draw :)
  10. Clarkarias

    Clarkarias Member

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    I agree with you gentlemen that High Magic synergies better with Lizardmen then it does with High Elves. My HE army is being put aside to bring back the Lizards so I've been looking deeply at High Magic for the last few months.

    Every Spell that is good for HE is better for Lizards...Apothiosis and Hand of Glory being key. Of course until I read it myself, I like the HE Lore Attribute better than the rumoured Lizardmen one.
  11. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    Sorry but I disagree with this, all hand of glory does is take a stat that Lizardmen are traditionally woeful at and nudge it up so they are simply below average at it. Since all that really matters with regards to the int stat is who hits first it is rarely going to make much difference whether your Saurus are I1 or I2, whereas a white lion being I6 instead of I5 can make all the difference in the world against the right enemy unit/character/monster.
    You're going to have to cast at high level and pray for a maximum result on your D3 until Saurus actual get a meaningful buff to their initiative, and even at I4 there is plenty of stuff that will hit before them.

    If you face great weapons a lot with your Saurus then I suppose hand of glory has a good application, otherwise not so much, its probably the worst spell in the lore for Lizardmen, whilst the rest of the spells should be very useful. On the other hand having one duff spell isn't a problem, because that is what signatures are for.
  12. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Walk between worlds.. you could shoot the EotG out to a prime location and then do the area effect bomb...

    I'm just excited to have what I think is one of the better movement spells.
  13. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Saurus are better buffed with weapon skill than initiative, at least with Hand of Glory. Although it seems like the bastilodon is also able to boost initiative somewhat. I'll grant that initiative is the least useful aspect, but weapon skill boost is probably more useful on Saurus in most situations. Maybe you have a key turn where you want to blowpipe a monster out of existence, so you cast for the BS boost on a big unit of skink skirmishers so they can march and double tap at long range and still poison? We also don't know if any of our new beasties will need BS to hit with special attacks.

    Don't forget, the same mage who has Hand of Glory can swap out one of his high magic spells for melkoth's miasma so you can also hurt enemy ws and initiative.

    Hand of Glory is a toolkit spell. If your primary concern is striking first, I'd suggest the Lore of Light.
  14. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Hey guys, I picked up the white dwarf at lunch and quickly flicked through it . I'll Update my post when I'm home.

    NO SPAWNINGS. The WD is very clear thatt the colours were an aesthetic choice. They may be in but it's not indicated in the mag.

    Carnosaur have 2 upgrades though can't make out what they are. 10 and 20ish points.

    Chiefs are 40 points. Terradon 35 point mount and Ripper 40 points. Units will probably be broadly similar.

    Rippers are t3

    Scar vets now 80 base
  15. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    Respectfully, I disagree with you and here is why. With hand of glory increasing your WS and I by D3, can be really good for us. If you are playing against anything undead, Ogres, any type of Orc, Dwarves, etc.. which only have 1 or two points I higher than ours, than getting to go before them is pretty good. Especially against smaller units that hit hard like mournfang, crypt horrors, stonehorns, some chariots, etc, gives you the opportunity to kill it before it deals damage in a round of combat. Combine that with the fact that we will most likely be hitting on 3s with 6s giving more attacks, works well to help kill those units off.

    Now I understand that it is not great against all armies, AKA Elves, WoC but then again, with our lore attribute I am trading in stupid soul quench for the base magic missile in lore of mental EVERY TIME I play against WoC....EVERY TIME! haha
  16. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    Also, good eye! I am so combat oriented in my own mind that I did not even think of buffing the BS on skirmishers or for that matter the giant blow pipes on stegs.
  17. Didymus
    Chameleon Skink

    Didymus Active Member

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    Sotek's arse... So it was in fact pure GW dickery to paint them like that...
  18. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Don't think this got posted here yet....

    maybe something can be learned from it besides the digital book bit. (but probaly not)
  19. Tetengo

    Tetengo New Member

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    Doesn't look like there's a lot there, but speaking of the digital book...a week before the High Elf book was released you could access a preview on an iPad. This had a glossary which could be looked through and so we knew all the special rules, magic items and spells a week early. I'm hoping the same will be available for this book tomorrow.
  20. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Can someone explain to me what I missed here? We are getting our very own lizardman Magic deck ($6 U.S. on the price sheet), so why is everyone assuming that the spells will be identical to the High Magic deck?

    Also, is there some confirmation in the WD Battlereport that Skink Priests will now have access to the lore of Beasts?

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