8th Ed. The new book: Everything in one place! [Out of date!]

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by GCPD, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 27/07]

    Yeah, but the figure in the Scaly Skin save is different to the 3 in initiative.

    I really don't think its going to happen. Look at Kroq-Gars stats; he is based on an Oldblood and has a 4+. For the Scar-Veteran to get a 3+ save, I'd expect the Oldblood's to increase to be at least equal.

    In any case, a 5 points decrease and a +2 armour save doesn't make sense. His points would go up, not down.
  2. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 27/07]

    Ugh! You're right! I'm not so bothered on the Skink cohorts or Terradons Riders or Skirmishers because, whatever, they are chaff. But leadership 5 frenzied Flyers? Come on GW! Are you deliberately trying to make me not buy these models?
  3. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    Hmmm, did anyone heard something about loremaster for slann?
    Because i checked all new 8ed books and didnt find any posibility to them to get Loremaster (doesnt count special charecter) the only one that has something like loremaster is HW loremaster of hoeth.
    So the odds are bad :/
  4. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    It would be pretty stupid for slann not to have a lore master upgrade but then again its pretty stupid for skinks to have lower leadership than goblins. Not even cold blooded can save you from ld5 ugh
  5. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    well -1LD made them 16% worse in succeeding in test....
    LD5 is esencialy LD 6.5 without CB so you can sey there still better then goblins, but yes its dum....
  6. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    Skinks are Ld 5? What? Where's this?
  7. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    Both Terradon Riders and Ripperdactyls have 5 based on the images from White Dwarf. As they share the same profile with Core Skinks, this probably means a Skink wide Leadership decrease.

    On another note, Hunting Pack additional handlers are 4 points instead of 5, which may mean a 1 point drop in Skink costs to accomodate.

    I would not complain with 4 Point Skinks or 6 Point Skirmishers at leadership 5. It would encourage people to run Saurus over Skroxigor blocks, for a start and which is only a good thing - although I might be tempted to drop a 40 point Skink Chief in there for some LD buffing, or sticking a Skink BSB on a Terradon to keep with them.

    However, its rare that my Skroxigor are outside the Generals leadership anyway, and I can't think of a time where I was counting on a Skink Skirmisher unit passing a leadership check (if I was, something else has gone terribly wrong...).

    The real kicker is for Ripperdactyl riders, as even with Cold Blooded they will fail their LD5 Frenzy checks 47% of the time. Add that unreliability on an already weak package and... yeah.
  8. arcabis

    arcabis Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    and something else with vampire counts take the super wow bat that is so huge
    and the beastmen the two super giant monsters
    and we get another stegadon base monster and nothing else?
    seriously GW hate us??? :p
  9. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    i have all the oposite opinion :D
    i never play skrox as i find sauruses better than them (with slanns buffing), droping skinks to 4points may encourage me to atleast try to have a tarpit unit for death star (but i count on them for failing that :D because T2 and WS2 is a huge drawback) :)
    And yes rippers with LD5 is... wel you know, more fragile than glass and in my eyes they still have few steps to get to cannon :/ so i dont even like to name them glass canon :/
  10. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    Be careful what you wish for - the Beastmen monsters are notoriously rubbish :p

    Well, at LD5 the Skinks are a lot less reliable than they are now. This makes Saurus the go to choice for reliable line infantry, which I am 100% comfortable with. Like I said, there are options to making the Skinks more reliable (Terradon BSB, mundane equipment Chief, etc), but your Saurus are your 'off the shelf' variety.

    I highly encourage you to use them as tarpits, though. Just today my 24 + 3 Kroxigor tarpitted a Daemon Prince for three turns (6 rounds of combat). And that's after losing half their number to two breath weapons. The Kroxigor even wounded the Prince twice! I lost all 300 points, but it kept that bugger out of the whole game.
  11. arcabis

    arcabis Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    something else did we hear anything about chakax?
  12. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    Not yet, and as he is still my favourite LM SC model I hope they get him right this time, I will really be tempted to field a temple guard deathstar with Chak in the front rank.
  13. arcabis

    arcabis Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    it's my favored too it's really nice model too :D
  14. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    Hmm, if skinks drop a point of leadership, shouldn't that not really effect skrox? Don't they use the Kroxigors' leadership?
  15. StarFyre

    StarFyre Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    i doubt they will fix chakax. i think the problem wasn't that he cost a lot. the problem was that he was meant to be the most expensive hero and arguably the most powerful hero in warhammer. That said, whenever i used him (quite a bit), everyone made sure that they sent units at him with lords. he never survived against the lords that he had to face in my games. Heroes he did fine against.

    what he really needed IMHO, is to weaken him so he's just a regular lord (then he becomes pretty much useless) OR make his weapon dispel ALL enemy magic items, not just the weapon similar to the old Nullstone.

    Most lords are just powerful due to items. If his weapon nullified ALL magic items. Then, the lords still have an advantage due to better stats, attacks, etc BUT chakax has a chance to actually survive.

    just my thoughts on it.

  16. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    I would say that, to be worth the exorbinant cost of him, he would need to give ASL to his enemies and ASF to himself in challenges. This way, he strikes at initiative and before his opponent (in most cases). Otherwise, make him cheaper.

    That's just me though...
  17. sirkently
    Cold One

    sirkently Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    Last edition, skinks were leadership 5. They seem to have tried 6 for one edition and not liked it, so back we go.
  18. Taipan
    Temple Guard

    Taipan Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    I just wish they'd make the SC's usable for once. So sick of the 'x million points, half the effectiveness' trend of Warhammer SC's (aside from OP stuff like Teclis). Right now, none of our current SC's can hold a candle to the builds we can make out of generics.

    Kroak, Mazdamundi and Kroq-Gar need to stop being 400 billion points apiece. Lord restrictions make them impossible to field below certain game sizes anyway, so why bother? They'll never kill that much stuff, or affect the game in a way that reflects that cost. For gods sake, some dragons cost less than them. Kroak should be at most 50pts more than a regular Slann. Same for Mazdamundi, his mount doesn't mean anything when a single cannonball dismounts him. Kroq-Gar is a travesty, his unlock is worthless as it is only a single unit (why it doesn't just change CoC to Core I don't know, its not even that powerful).

    Gor-Rok better have a strong ward or something cool to make him tougher than a normal Scar-Vet, otherwise he's just a pretty proxy for one. Chakax is very easy; make him grant ASF to himself and ASL to enemy models in base to base, and his weapon nullifies all magic items (magic weapons revert to their base type, ie great weapon, hand weapon etc). Done. He's a challenge god, but cannonballs and death magic can still get him, like any other melee god hero.

    Hopefully our magic armoury won't get completely cleaned out. Burning Blade, Piranha Blade and Shield of the Mirrored Pool are cool and should stay. Blade of Eternities is suitably OP and characterful, it'll probably stay as a Lord weapon. Cupped Hands is gone, I don't even need to see the book. I hope the cursed totem we use to kill Teclis and other Mages Turn 1 stays, its cool and being bound it can be blocked by standard anti-magic anyway. The Banner of Stupidity might stay, I hope the Sun Standard stays too (stacking that with 'Pha's Protection' is hilarious). The rest is either terrible or can be replicated by generic magic items from the main rulebook. Cube would be cool to keep, but I suspect its gone (way too effective against RIP).

    Saurus need a cost downgrade or more attacks (Frenzy wouldn't be a bad rule). Also, their Command groups need to be 5-10 points for each guy, the random costings makes writing a list a pain.

    TG need magic weapons and a WS/I upgrade. That would justify their cost. Everything else about them is fine really.

    CoC need a price downgrade, same stat upgrade as TG, and lances (spears are retarded).

    Skinks are fine really, fix Krox to not be terrible and Skrox will work fine.

    Salamanders are broken, expect a nerf incoming (sigh). Hopefully Razordons are better though as a result.

    Stegs need better stats or a price downgrade, they're very expensive cannonball bait without either. EOTG should give a 4+ ward to its Steg+rider, same 5+ aura it gives currently to stuff around it.
  19. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    From what I've seen and heard you got most of your wishes

    Saurus need a cost downgrade or more attacks (Frenzy wouldn't be a bad rule). Also, their Command groups need to be 5-10 points for each guy, the random costings makes writing a list a pain.
    Predatory Attacks

    TG need magic weapons and a WS/I upgrade. That would justify their cost. Everything else about them is fine really.
    Temple guard down to 7 slaves work of pts

    CoC need a price downgrade, same stat upgrade as TG, and lances (spears are retarded).
    I'm sure the are stuck with spears but I'm certian price comes down and FC isn't stupidly expensive

    Skinks are fine really, fix Krox to not be terrible and Skrox will work fine.
    Looking like 2 slaves per skink but leadership 5

    Salamanders are broken, expect a nerf incoming (sigh). Hopefully Razordons are better though as a result.
    Salamanders up 2.5 slaves points (still has same spout flames rule), Razordons down 5 slaves

    Stegs need better stats or a price downgrade, they're very expensive cannonball bait without either. EOTG should give a 4+ ward to its Steg+rider, same 5+ aura it gives currently to stuff around it.
    Pretty decent price drop on stegs
  20. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07]

    So, as a long time Lizardmen player, does anyone else think that the Stegadon is still the best-looking dinosaur model we can put out? I mean I love the ankylosaur but it doesn't look as mean and angry as the plastic steg, I don't like how short the snout of the carny is, and I especially don't like how they made it a quadruped when it has always previously been a biped.

    Also, while the trog's head does look kind of cool, it doesn't have any eyes. Now I know its a blind cave-dwelling monster, but surely it would have made much more sense to design it with redundant eyes that aren't used and were just painted milky white rather than suggesting that it evolved entirely without eye-sockets.

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