Ive been debating on going back and finishing painting my Lizard army, and with the new book coming out that settles it. Now Im having a lot of problems on a color scheme I can stick to and be excited about. Please Help! I would like everything in the army to match the same scheme even if they are different colors. Much prefer unique/untraditional schemes. Currently: Saurus are a medium green with a darker, duller green for scales, Skinks are a neon green with the same medium for their scales. http://imgur.com/qxYIQ2E is my skink scheme, the saurus are just darker These are the paints I currently have, and about 1/3 of my army is painted in this scheme. However, it is quite common and boring, and I cant get excited about it. Ideas: Black/grey with red and orange scales: Burning Coal I cant make black look good, and im having troubles making it look like I want it to. Cant decide what to do with the orange, stripes? scale patterns? Red with Grey scales: Fire and Smoke This looks awesome, havent had a chance to try it out, and is a little bright for my tastes. Also, have no grey or orange paints http://imgur.com/d0j76tPhttp://imgur.com/64Hcq5g Grey with red: Closer to my original Coal Idea, but easier to make look good. However, also doesnt look like coal Blue Fire: Love the idea and the shields, not a fan of the scale color though, and not sure what to change it to http://imgur.com/ZCJgGfUhttp://imgur.com/Ifsx1Hu
Welcome to the forum. I really like the green saurus, but the red saurus really jump out and look better. If you were wondering, this post probably got lost in all the new lizardmen hoopla.
Yea I figured it might, which is ironically the reason I finally have motivation to finish painting them haha Which red saurus were you talking about? red/grey or red/blue?