8th Ed. New Lizardman army book and info

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rikard, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    50pts for kroxi... PF doesnt make them so good to keep this price.
    Trolls are way better for 45pts or even the simple ones for 35 theyre even better for the price. -1S-ASL-CB+Stupidity+Regen is way better than +1S+ASL+CB.
    Stupidity aint so bad this edition.
    i was shopping the price drop to atleas 40-45. 50 in my eyes are still to much especialy if we cant get Life lore loremaster.
  2. Mahtis
    Cold One

    Mahtis New Member

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    Someone did mention that kroxigors would be str 5 now, so point decrease+1S+PF is good IMHO

    And stupidity is an issue, believe me, a good general can get the trolls out of generals inspiring presence, and even without it there are times where even ld9 and bsb can't save you from going stupid :D

    I'm also very interested in Razordon's. Point decrease and Impenetrable Defence. I think it has to do something with ranged damage, that it has a better as against ranged attacks. With that you could field 3 of them for under 200, getting 3x artilery dice of bs 3 shooting that doesn't take penalties from long range or movement. No-one would charge them and shooting at them is hard. That would be amazing ^^
  3. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I echo that,

    PF is a nice option, but realistically how many 6's are you going to roll from 9 attacks to hit? On top of that even if you are lucky and get 3 bonus attacks, chances are you will need 4's to hit anyway so maybe 1 (2 at the most) of those bonus attacks is going to slam home.

    Not really that great on Kroxigors.

    I hate having to rely on buffs, especially if they are bound spells, because the Lizardman army is absolutely riddled with bound spells and "one use only" items. Relying on buffs and buffs alone to make something viable (like the carnosaur for monster fighting or surviving cannon or missle fire) kind of defeats the purpose of taking one to begin with as it' like a domino effect. You need stage A to happen (for argument's sake, a buff) so you can then move on to stage B (buff lasting long enough/providing enough protection to get into CC, or out of shooting range) and then finally onto stage C (winning the CC with your buff and not rolling a series of 1s and let's not forget the carno still has WS 3 so will be hitting very few things on a 3).

    Each stage relies on every stage that comes before hand and as soon as one stage fails you lose all the benefits and uses you needed just to make one thing work.

    If they get strength 5 then I'll be happy and most likely take some Kroxigors, if not then I won't, simple as that.


    Have you got a link to it? And are they stupid too?
  4. Mahtis
    Cold One

    Mahtis New Member

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    Kroxigors could work even better with skinks, because both went down in points, the skink ld is negated by kroxigors own ld and kroxigors have more str.

    A unit of 30 skinks with 3 kroxigors (no commands) is now at 315. If no other changes comes to skrox unit, then the unit will cost in the new book 270 (3x-5 from krox and 30x-1 from skinks). Could be that i'm using more skroxs in the future ^^
  5. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, but where did you hear about Kroxigors having strength 5 again and stupidity?

    Also, how does impenetrable defence work, I couldn't find it in my BRB?
  6. Mahtis
    Cold One

    Mahtis New Member

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    I tried to find where they talked about kroxigor having s5 but can't find it, have I been dreaming? I try looking through all the sites where I've looked, 'cus I was sure I had seen it somewhere But stupidity was meant on river trolls, thank god. And I hope that they won't get stupid, it would be lame.

    The Impenetrable defense isn't in the BRB, it's something Razordons are going to get. So no-one knows what it does, was just speculating/wishing. Sorry that I confused you!
  7. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I'm pretty sure Mahtis referenced Stupidity in response to Walgis's post

    So probably not an actual rumour.

    Interesting about Str.5, I've always thought it odd they're at they same Strength as a Saurus before. I hope it does make it!

    Impenatrable Defence may be army-specific, so we'll have to wait till the realese. grr.
  8. Mahtis
    Cold One

    Mahtis New Member

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    3rd post (the real long one) after the TL;DR mark there's a little summary that states kroxigors are s5, perhaps I picked it there, but I try to find more "evidence"
  9. Snellius

    Snellius New Member

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    Does anyone know when the new boxes are in store? Directly by release of the WD or..?
  10. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I dearly hope it's true, previous editions and fluff always had them pegged with a higher strength than saurus so I ended up head-desking when Andy Hoare reduced them to strength 4 and haven't played with lizards since then.

    As for impenetrable defence, that to me sounds like they would get the bonus similar to Gor-rok's defending an obstacle, so you lose charge bonuses against them (which would make sense seeing as they are covered in thick sharp spines, no point on charging if you get impaled).

    Release date is the 3rd of August so could be on the monday unless you do a pre-order through GW.
  11. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    GW stores will have the new kits in store on Saturday, in theory independent stockists should have them for release day as well, but there have been a few releases recently when the Indy stockist I buy from had their new release stuff withheld by Gw for a week for no specified reason (Tau was the most recent one if these I think).

    If you preorder from GW to pick up from one of their stores you are guaranteed to get the models on release day, if you preorder from GW to your home they post it out the day before release which puts you at the mercy of UK's 2nd class post (or whatever your country's equivalent is), which in practice means you'll probably receive it Monday or Tuesday.
  12. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    If kroxigors are indeed S5 (my bet that this is just a wishlist after all, but..) if theyre indeed S5 then 50PTs is just right i think :) unit of 8 kroxy would be 400 and dish out 18 (+avrege three 6) so 21 atack of S7 is quite nice. Were talking about ~9 wounds on almost everything with -4AS so even demigrifs would have only 5+ AS, for 50pts i would be quite happy and would buy a unit of them. Althou S4 and i will have to heavily playtest them before buying :)
    For casuals that should work but i play in competetive meta, so..
    Thats my opinion.
  13. mitros

    mitros Member

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    i have read almost all of the things you have written people but one thing i did not get what does PF do?
  14. Darius the Insane

    Darius the Insane New Member

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    PF is Predatory fighter. New rule that most of our units get eg saurus, temple guard, scar vets, oldbloods, carnies etc most of our fighty units, so not skinks lol

    essentially means that for every 6 we roll to hit automatically gets another attack but those attacks then do not benefit from PF. Hope that explains it.

    Somebody confirm that I got that right please :)
  15. Andrinor

    Andrinor Member

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    I think that is the assumption. Right now I'm not sure if we know if Predatory Fighter is a single roll of bonus attacks every round or if it is in perpetuity - meaning you keep on rolling for all your 6's. It could be written that it breaks the supporting attacks limit.
  16. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Yes, sort of a poor man's red fury.

    That we know of it affects all saurus (incl temple guard), however it might not affect Carnosaurs, I say this as Grymlok does not have predatory fighter listed in his special rules (look at the original post of this thread).

    Troglodon however has a roar ability which increases the bonus of Predatory fighter to a 5+, though the range and if it only affects one unit is at the moment unknown.

    Although it means you can potentially double your attacks with some luck rolls; you do not then get to roll again for additional attacks.

    So a scar vet (4 attacks) gets lucky and rolls 6, 6, 4 and 3 against a unit with WS 4. He gets 4 hits and then rolls for 2 additional attacks and rolls 5 and 6.

    However, he does not then get an additional attack from the further 6 he rolled, which is fair as 6 attacks is nothing to be sniffed at.

    Or in the immortal words: "You cannot re-roll a re-roll"
  17. Darius the Insane

    Darius the Insane New Member

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    Correct, I think most of what is being said is based on half solid information and half educated guesses going off xp and past book releases. Not long to go now and we will all know for sure.

    Like they say, patience is a virtue....... it's just not one of mine ;)
  18. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    I would say PF is actually a rich man's red furry. We get it for free and we get extra attacks on a 6 to hit. Vamps pay 50pts for one model to have it and only get their extra attacks if they hit, wound, and the wound is not saved. I like our rule much better.
  19. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I thought Red fury was just done on hits alone, hmm...interesting.

    Either way I like it, it means that with a standard scar vet without a buff from a troglodon, your chances of getting 5 attacks is pretty good, not bad at all for 80 points base.
  20. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    i saw this alot ut i strugle to get whats beeing reroled? unless rule specificaly tells that further 6 dont generate extra atacks they should generate because it will be a 6 on roll to hit because the extra atack still has to hit. and i still dont see any rerols to stop that :D

    Poor mans red fury is because we have to roll to hit and our units are well know for the beast they are but the lack of ability to use theyre weapons aka WS3.

    Still ithink its prity awsome because rank and file gets it :) And believe me when i tell you that this rule will create epic storys around it :) For egzample units is going surely to get wiped out but out of 15 atacks they roll 6-8 sixes and all extra atacks hit also :) they win combat and (insert awsome huge unit deathstar) runs and gets killed :)

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