8th Ed. New Lizardman army book and info

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rikard, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    Also, the skink rider on the trog can be cast through by slann similar to priests, and the rod upgrade allows him to make a channeling roll during the magic phase.

    EDIT: Also, the Trog's venom spit is quick to fire.
  2. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Woah, 2d6 strength 5 shots with d3 wounds sounds pretty good! I might actually get one.

    And there's reality. Nope, its garbage.

    Stormtruper, apologies if this has been asked but are there any changes to the Oldblood?
  3. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    No, hes the same, stats wise if thats what your asking.
  4. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Which means he kept his I4 when Kroq lost it? That's odd. Any points changes (just more/less is fine, or a PM).

    Can you confirm if Slann only get a Look Out Sir in Temple Guard? Are they still Stubborn/Immune to Psychology? Can the Temple Guard use their shields in combat?

    And finally, I just want to clarify your wording of the Ripperdactyl riders. The Skinks can't be targetted, so you use the Ripper's WS/T/Save? Or are they like ordinary Monstrous Cavalry (use mounts Wounds and Toughness; all other stats of the rider).

  5. stormtruperTK41

    stormtruperTK41 New Member

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    Sorry my bad the oldblood is I3. Slann always gets a LoS roll, but when in TG that save is always auto passed. As for the rippers, it's like other monstrous cav, use the rippers T and W, the whole model has one save of 4+.
  6. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    That's cool. Do Saurus Warriors definitely have Predatory Fighter?
  7. olderplayer
    Chameleon Skink

    olderplayer New Member

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    Storm... I have parts of the book and pages seen, but not the Trog... Are you sure the shooting attack is only 1 shot.? Two other sources with books in hand say 2D6 shots (which would make a lot more sense given BS shooting and 18" range). If so, Troglodon is not really worth it. Edit: Confirmed that it appears to be s single shot, sad, not really worth much of anything for the rare slot.

    The Oracle skink on the Troglodon may have the same rule as skink priests in allowing the Slann to use the skink Oracle for line of sight, front rank and range for MM and DD spells. The divining rod upgrade for the oracle allows it to channel as though a wizard. The oracle is part of the Troglodon model (split profile) and cannot be separately targetted.
  8. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Can anyone also confirm about the Bastiladon tail attack? Is it S10, any multiple wounds, and is it rear/flanks only?
  9. Maert

    Maert New Member

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    Sad panda :depressed: :depressed:
  10. arcabis

    arcabis Member

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    guys i found this i hope it will help

    So, another super-secret source. This one has book in hand and decided to share some goodness.
    Have not had chance to format over everything, but below is what the secret agent says:

    "Pred Fighter is as people have described but a skink CHARACTER within 6 inches can let you test to restrain

    Aquatic as it was

    Slann re-roll failed dangrous terrain tests [edit... random!] 4+ ward in built if you have 2 slann at the start of a magic phase they may swap a single spell with each other

    Saurus cost same as were with predatory fighter cheaper command and spears for free

    cold one riders are now 30 points. +4 pts for spears cheaper command.

    Temple guard as were - slanns can leave them and auto pass LOS if there If Slann is in unit unit gains fear stubborn and ITP

    Dropped to 14 pts champ can take 25 pt item unit can take 50pt banner

    Skink Priests can take heavens and beasts

    Can now channel m/missiles and direct damage spells Miscast effects slanns and skink takes a S3 hit

    Troglodon ws3 s5 t5 w5 i2 a3 4+ save poisen terror PF

    Once per game can roar : all units within 12 gain an extra attack on a 5,6 until end of that phase

    Spit venom 18" S5 multi wound D3 quick to fire BS3

    Skinks the same but ld 5

    Javelins for free on skirmishers

    Can attack Kroxigor and stomp skrox now

    chamos +1 pt

    all skinks gain 6+ scaly skin

    krox up to S5

    If a swarm is in combat all friendly lizard units gain poison

    35 pts per base min unit 2 bases

    Terradons as before with 6+ scaly gone up to 35 points

    Can take firleech bolas 1 pt per model 6" S4 flaming Q to fire

    Ripperdactyl Riders

    mount has AP Frenzy Killing blow

    WS3 S4 T3 I 3

    after scouts have been deployed place a toad marker for each unit of rippers in an enemy unit all rippers against that unit gain d3+1 attacks instead of 1 for frenzy

    and re-roll all failed rolls to hit against unit

    Stegadon as before upgrades unstoppable stampede gives devastating charge for +10 pts
    sharpened horns gives impact hits d3 wounds+ 20pts base cost of steg 215 points
    Ancient as before base cost down to 230 points can take same upgrades as baby steg

    Can have engine of the gods for +50 points

    Engine allows you to pick a lore from the rulebook lors and ruduce cost of them by 1
    stackable innate bound spell powel level 3 direct damage every enemy unit within 4d6 " suffers d6 S4 flaming hits.

    Steg and all units within 6 have a 6+ ward

    Salamander up to 80 points! Spout flames is as before but is now S4 slow to fire so no more -3 armour and no more auto panic

    Razordons down to 65 pts

    Bastiladon 150 points WS3 S4 T5 W4 I1 A3 LD6

    ASL howdah crew cold blooded large target scaly skin 2+ terror

    Counts as having no flank or rear for combat res purposes

    Before rolling to hit nominate on attack as thunderous bludgeon this attack is worked out at S10 and receives +1 to hit against models in its rear arc

    Arc of Sotek end of each friendly turn nominate a swarm unit within 6" of bastarddon with ark of sotek on a 4+ add one base cant take the unit beyond its starting size has a shooting attack with d6" range doing 2d6 S2 hits

    Can upgrade to solar engine for free

    All units within 6" gain +1 I contains bound spell

    power level 3 range 24 roll a d6 1 = d3 S3 hits 2-3 = D6 S4 hits 4-5 = 2d6 S5 hits 6 = 2 d6 s6 hits and -1 bs -1 ws until lizards next magic phase

    all hits are flaming

    Carnosaur can be taken by oldblood or scar vet +220 points they are same as before but upgrades are blood roar oppnent takes fear and terror on an additional d6 dicarding lowest result +25 points and swiftstride for +15 points


    lizards use high magic with attribute contemplations

    if playesr casts a spell from high magic he can forget that spell and generate a new spell from any of the other lores of magic in the rule book

    disciplines slann can take up to 4 or 150 points worth in addition to 100 points of magic items

    disciplines are once per army

    resevoir of energy 20 points at end of opponents magic phase may store an unused D/dice and attempt on a 2+ to get it in slanns next magic phase

    soul of stone 25 points when rolling on miscast slann can choose to add or subtract one from the total instead of accepting original result

    becalming + 25 points slann re-rolls its first failed dispell attempt each magic phase

    harmonic convergance 30 points rolls 2 additional dice when rolling to channel

    harrowing scrutiny + 30 points gains terror

    trandecendant healing 30 points end of friendly magic phase roll a d6 for each lost wound every 6 rolled gain a wound back

    unfathomable prescence 30 pointsroll at start of each enemy magic phase slann dains MR (D3)

    wondering deliberations 30 points slann knows every sig spell

    focus of mystery 35 points l loremaster high

    higher state of conciousness 60 points ethereal + unstable cant join units

    magic items
    blade of realities magic weapon 100 points no armour or ward saves may be taken

    piranah blade multi wounds d3 and armour pircing 50 points

    sacred steg helm 40 points +1 armour +1 Toughness impact hits d3

    skavenpelt banner (banner) 65 points all maodels in unit gain frenzy and hatred (skaven) special rules and all skaven units gain hatred against the bearer

    the jaguar standard (standard) 50 points unit gains swiftstride

    cube of darkness (arcane) 30 points one use only on a 2+ use3 as scroll in either case roll
    a seperate dice for each rip spell in play on a 2+ they end

    plaque of dominion (arcane) 25 points bound power level 3 hex all enemy wizards within 18" gain stupidity

    cloak of feathers (enchanted) 35 points skink on foot only gains fly and MR1

    horn of kygor (enchanted) 35 points one use only sound at start of movement phase all monsters, monstrous mounts mostrous beasts monstrous cav mounts cav mounts chariot beasts, and war beasts within 12 gain frenzy note this does not effect any rider just the mount

    the egg of quango (enchanted) 30 points
    one use start of any combat phase crack the egg roll a dice
    1=enemy suffer d6 S3 hits
    2-3 = enemy suffer d6 s4 hits
    4-6 = enemy suffer 2d6 S5 hits

  11. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    I'm going to moan a bit about points values, because I've been thinking about this alot today. From what I've seen, they are all over the place in this book. Cold One Cavalry are probably the worst offenders, from a negative perspective. The only saving they got was from losing Spears, as they have to pay almost all the saving to get them back again. They haven't gone down a lot and then back up a bit due to the additional Cold One attack, because the points value of the Cold One as a mount haven't changed. Vetock just thinks that they justify 30 points per model, and 4 points is worth it for the Spear. The one point saving over the old model is just him saying "there, you wanted them cheaper? Have a point off."

    Terradons are another bizzare points costing. They've gone up by 5 no doubt to discourage taking them in volume, like the Skink clouds. Fine, that's reasonable I guess. It looks like they've also gone up to 5+ save over all, which is quite nice too I guess. I might have preferred to keep them cheap and weaker but whatever. But what I don't understand is the fireleech bolas. Upgrade your poisoned S3 javelin to a flaming S4 bola?

    Uh, why wouldn't you?

    I mean, sure - its not great. You still need something silly like 12 bola shots to get that one wound on a Chimera. You've still got to get within 3" of the target to hit on 4s, and you've still got to make sure that the rest of your short range Skinks using 12" blowpipes can hit it on the turn you take off the regen. Fine.

    But its a single point increase on a 35 point model. Its barely worth thinking about: you spend 3 points and do it on the off chance you get it to work. You'll do it every time, and so will everyone else. So why even bother giving it as an option? Why not roll it into the price, or up it to 2 points, or 4, or 5 - or any amount where there is an actual choice and not an auto-include.

    Its the same with the Stegadons. Do you run a normal Stegadon, or an Ancient one? The Ancient, obviously, because for a mere 20 points you get better strength and better armour save. But you take the second Stegadon as a regular one, right? No, because in the most common 2400-2500 points games you can get two Ancient Stegadons and a Salamander. You'd only look to the regular Stegadon if you were under 2000 or wanted a third.

    I'm not saying that the Ancient should be more expensive - its just right as it is, thanks - but the regular one should've definitely been pointed more competitively.

    Meanwhile, you've got the Skink cohorts who can take poison in close combat for 2 points a model. That's a 33% increase in price per model! And in combat, its only going to work out at two hits if you're 12 models wide. 3 poisoned hits in horde formation. On what planet does that make any kind of sense?
  12. arcabis

    arcabis Member

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    well personaly i have 80 warriors i will put them spear's and 2 ancient stegadon's to give 6+ ward i think it will be nice
  13. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Well, I can't stop you if you think 280 points is a worthwhile investment for a 6+ ward save...
  14. Vilicate

    Vilicate New Member

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    It's not like you're JUST getting a 6++ save.

    Think about it like this - you're buying an ancient steg (which is still pretty decent, right?), and then paying 50 pts to give all units within 6" a 6++, making one lore -1 to casting values AND having an okay bound spell.

    I think that's a good buy, if you've got the points.
  15. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Are all the Engine abilities active each turn now then?
  16. olderplayer
    Chameleon Skink

    olderplayer New Member

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    The cost of poison on ranked skinks is a 40% increase in their point cost. You would only take that option on a unit of 10 to 12 in two ranks used for chaff, redirection, and harassment of tough stuff with less than impression armour saves and other saves. Take a unit of 12 for 104 p;oints with music (musci is often not needed given the small unit size), They move and shoot with poison at a big monster or something like a terrorgheist and get 2 wounds which are saved at most say 50% of the time, that is one wound. If charged, they stand and shoot (quick to fire) and get another wound at least. Then in combat,, assuming they strike first or simultaneously, they will get another wound through. Now, your very tough monster has taken 3 wounds. If lucky, the skinks take 7 or fewer wounds in return and hold half the time on steadfast and get in another chance to wound. The 5 wound monster with a 4+ save now has 3 wounds or more and the big monster is seriously wounded, vulnerable to a counter charge and maybe out of position on an pursuit or restrain if the skinks flee. That does not count the random chance that a roll to hit on a 4 or 5 is rolled and you roll a 6 to wound and they fail the save. Note that these guys are the bane of terrorgheists.

    On the other hand, 12 skinks without the poison option and without music are only 60 points and can do almost as much damage.
  17. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    good question, it that can all be used every turn, than that would make a big difference.
  18. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Yep, they basically weakened all 3 alignments, but you get all 3 at once now.
  19. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Right. Or you take two units of 10 skinks for the same cost which can do the same damage, but only give up half the points when each one is destroyed. Or you take a unit of Skirmishing Skinks that does it better. Or Chameleon Skinks.

    Well... that's better, I guess. I'm still not convinced its worthwhile when the impact hits upgrade takes you to 300 points, though.
  20. rothgar13

    rothgar13 New Member

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    I think I'd skip out on the D3-Wound Impact Hits, personally - if you want to nuke Ogres and monsters that badly, take Lore of Death instead.

    The way I'm seeing it, my first foray into the new Lizardmen will consist of a Slann, 2 Saurus Warrior blocks with Spears in Core, some Ancient Stegs with the Engine to give them their Ward saves back, and either a big central block of Temple Guard or some hammer blocks of Kroxigors, and fill in the rest with assorted chaff (Terradons, Skink Skirmishers, Chameleons, maybe a Razordon).

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