Has anyone used these http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod1250238a for cold one riders? Just wondering if they'd fit our guys very well or if we'd still need to GS it up still.
I was looking at a load to use for my Saurus, but I have two problems with it. 1: The cost, it's cheaper converting DE cold ones, though it takes a while to do it. 2: It's fine cast, nuff said.
The newer failcast only stuff is a bit better. Still needs a LOT of cleaning. It's easier to clean than metal but there's just a heck of a lot more of it to do, and there's little flanges that ruin details on things. And bubbles. Oh dear Sotek the bubbles!
Waaaaay cheaper to buy a dark elf box, plus the DE coldones have straps and armor to hold the saddle on.
I got it, gonna use it for a scar vet conversion. Its super nice! Not a bad cast either. I belive thisone was made for finecast and not converted from metal (correct me if Im wrong) and I belive those are of better quality.
Yes the models 'by finecast for finecast' are better than the 'throw some resin into the metal moulds' job. Generally. I had issues with my XV8-02 commander. They had to recut the sprue in the end.
I've never had a problem with Finecast, and have never experienced anything relating to 'bubbles' so all the 'finecrap' remarks also seem a little unjustified to me. However, I am aware this is completely subjective and I missed the first iteration where most of the problems apparently occurred. The SoM Cold One does look pretty however, let me know how the conversion goes!
It's not hard at all to trim down the saddles on the Dark Elf Cold Ones and they are WAY cheaper. You can get a box of 5 knights for the cost of 2 of the Finecast Cold Ones. And not only do the Dark Elf Cold Ones already have some harness (clip off the dangly Druchii bits) but the plastics can be put together in different ways to get variation in the unit. To my knowledge, there is only one version of the Finecast Cold One.