Hey guys, My name is Justin and I am a Lizardmen player OK now that that's over with I've been a Warhammer player for the last 14 years (since I was 9) though over the last couple years I have fallen out of WHFB due to Games Workshops rising prices and selling methods. BUT the release of the new Lizardmen kits has drawn me back to the jungle to take up the gilded standard of my oldest army the Lizardmen. In both Warhammer 40k as well as Fantasy my main loves are conversions and fluff so plan to see plenty of both by me. For Fantasy I have Lizardmen, Dwarves, Beastmen and Vampire Counts armies while for 40k I have Space Wolves, my DIY Space Marine chapter, Tau, Orks and various Chaos Warbands. As for personal information I have been married for 3 years and have a beautiful baby girl (2 months old), we reside in Boston, Mass and I am currently working on my Bachelors Degree in Graphic Arts and Animation.
Welcome back to the jungle! Sounds like you've got yourself a pretty full plate right now. Good luck fitting in everything else with the new Lizards. We're here to help
Welcome, to Jurassic Park! I mean Lustria-Online... It sounds like you've got a handful there, both with the child, the degree and the other armies! I've been playing since 1998 and I've really only got Lizardmen as my viable army, although I've recently got my hands on a few Daemons... I'm about to start my own Msc, hopefully it won't detract from the hobby so much