Looking at what I had left over from a recent purchase I decided to have a go at converting a scar-vet with great weapon. Previously I just used a TempleGuard halberd to represent the great weapon but I wanted a new model. I used the saurus warrior standard arm, a musician arm and the weapon came from one of the hand weapon arms. Basically I cut the hands from the standard and musician arm, rotated them and used a piece from the standard pole to join them up. It's a very simple conversion but since I've never tried sculpting with green stuff I wanted to keep it as easy as possible. I shortened the lenth of the weapon above the hand as I felt it was a bit too long with the mace part attached Lastly I added some armour plates to change the overall appearance. I also brought the arms down lower so the weapon is held across the body rather than just under the jaw. Since the pictures were taken I've gone back and straightened up the different pieces so that the weapon looks better What do you guys think? Will post pictures of my other scar-vets later (one with hw+s, one with halberd)
Hmm they show up on my laptop but not my smartphone.... Ok, changed the image location and put in the new URL, it seems to have worked
Scar-veteran with hw+s. No WIP shots unfortunately. I decided to give him silver armour to stand out from all of the gold on the rest of the army. As far as background goes I imagine that he stripped the armour (possibly enchanted in some way) from a defeated enemy and had the skinks forge it into a set of armour plates And here is the scar-vet with halberd which I sometimes use as a greatweapon ( people dont really seem to mind) I shortened the haft above the right hand to make it look a bit more like a gw. Also I thought the extra two shrunken heads hanging from it was a bit much I think I need to add someting to cover the join where I removed part of the weapon. My bitz box should have something useful hidden in it
Turns out that shortened halberd wasn't very stable. Ended up replacing the whole arm. Pics to follow
Took a little break and then got back to painting rank and file. Here is the next hero with great weapon. Rooting through my bits box and came across a few drum pieces and some banner poles. I'm not sure what to do with the left arm, it looks a bit bare at the minute but I can't decide if I should leave it or add something
Next up is a mounted version of this guy. Same weapon just gonna be on a cold one. Speaking of cold ones, my CoC are having their spears replaced with handweapons (I'm not sure if this is an upgrade or downgrade)
Thanks! Had the idea when I was working on the first hero. Tried using the saurus standard turned horizontal but it just looked odd. The drum looked way better when I tried it. Just got around to doing the conversion in the last week or so
Giant hammer is awesome. I like the guy on foot too, but I'd give it a try with temple guard to have the bulky armored body. -Matt
Hi, I've been an avid silent follower of this site for a long time. Here's how I converted my scar-vet with great weapon. (I admit it's not an original idea) http://i.imgur.com/teuzoQr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TR4V0wU.jpg
I really like that conversion! Never thought of using the character model, I like that it has the armour for a bulkier appearance. In terms of originality I can't recall seeing one like that before. Good job!