Hy everybody, First of all i am new in this forum so " I salute you all my fellow lizzy players" I just started a new army for myself en because of the new releases with the lizardmen it didn't take to mutch thinking whitch army to take. Here are some pictures of my new Lizardmen @ work. Still need to do the shields on the skinks . Enjoy!!
They look smart buddy, love the contrasting colours. YOU MANAGED TO DO THE EYES!!!! Fair play to you for that I struggle with eyes big time. Keep on posting mate, would love to see the full army in that colour scheme. Quick question, do you base coat with white and use a watered down colour for the main skin tone? I like the way its light in some areas and dark in others (looks like this hasnt been achieved with a wash). Or am I being dumb and its just a washed base coat. lol
The undercoat is white indeed. Then i used temple guard blue (layer) and after that Stegadon scale green (base). I mixed them both with alot of water around 50/50 based. Whell i managed the eyes indeed. I try to go as fast as possible but this paint scheme takes more time then i realised . I whill put up pictures when new models are donne
Welcome to the forums! Looking very nice, I really dig your colors (they are almost an inverted one of mine ). I would suggest you give that tounge a red wash.
Thx for all the good replies . I am painting my bastiladon now. So i whill post pictures when he is ready also .